Film Reviews by DS

Welcome to DS's film reviews page. DS has written 3 reviews and rated 7 films.

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First Man


(Edit) 07/10/2019

Lots of historical build up but there were loads missing from the actual events that would have greatly boosted its dramatic appeal. I loved the scenes on the moon though which gave a good feeling of what it must have been like after being used to seeing fuzzy black and white images. Unfortunately, the constant movement from the arty hand-held camera effects eventually made me nauseous.

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How to Train Your Dragon

Can’t wait to get the sequel

(Edit) 20/08/2018

Much better than I was expecting, great animation and characterisation and the 3D is breathtaking. Like MH I would definitely watch it again, one to buy and keep I think.

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Thor: The Hammer of the Gods

Gave up after half an hour

(Edit) 20/08/2018

Disappointing, not in the same series or the in the same league as Chris Hemsworth's Thor. Bit low budget and acting a bit wooden. Gave up after half an hour.

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