Welcome to Rn's film reviews page. Rn has written 1 reviews and rated 11 films.
don't be fooled by the trailers you may have seen. i gave it a shot as my list was running low and i watch quite a lot of anime anyway, but it looked like it was aimed at a younger audience, i didn't clock the 15 cert at the time. it's beautifully drawn and animated, very much has a Ghibli feel - not that Ghibli is the be all and end all of anime. the first disc i really enjoyed, it's well paced and gets the story laid out. so... the second disc... we've been enjoying minor creature threat up until now, all very enjoyable. then it starts to get dark, and i mean dark, there is a turning point in this series and it catches you unawares as you've been lulled into it's generally fun adventure feel, it's also at odds with the art style so hits even harder. that's all i will say, no spoilers. i see now why it won best anime 2018. i recommend you watch with the original language audio as i feel you may lose the full experience with the dubbed version and it definitely deserves it. enjoy!