Film Reviews by JD

Welcome to JD's film reviews page. JD has written 156 reviews and rated 198 films.

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balanced but whats with the ending?

(Edit) 03/01/2019

While pretty dull overall, i liked the balance in the story. From the naive german pair, the extreme but badly hurt Palestinian terrorists to the blood thirsty Israelis defending themselves with a leader who desperately wanted to resolve the whole conflict once and for all in a peaceful manor.

The film is likely most remembered for its ending however. Regardless of your view on Israel the entebbe mission is a classic, and it was pretty much skipped and replaced with a peculiar dance scene (really!) To me it looked like the director was either scared of failing in reproducing the action or felt dancing instead of shooting might win them a gong at the Caan festival......

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The Meg

Great monster, Great films to copy from.. how can they get it so wrong?

(Edit) 22/12/2018

I dont get how you can make a film this bad.

The cast are awful. Infact only the evil corporation guy comes across entertaining. The script is terrible, the plot laughable.

CGI is far to obvious.

Its almost like they have gone out of there way to make it as bad as possible.

Come to think of it, that episode of peppa pig when they went sailing is better than this (it really is)

On the bright side it shows how good the original Jaws was. Less action, less budget, less diverse cast, ropey effects. Yet it eats the meg alive.

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Black Panther

As per everyone else

(Edit) 09/10/2018

Pretty poop film tbh.

Bad guy was just a white south african to laugh at, cgi was abound and not that good. Plot was pretty dull, acting was a bit meh and im not sure what they were getting at with all the anti white people stuff and making out as if keeping wealth to yourself was a good thing.

I was starting to get bored of marvel films. Its just the same thing every time.

But atleast the other films were entertaining with the wit and charisma of the main cast. This is just so bland.

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24 Hours to Live

very very poor

(Edit) 05/08/2018

This was painful to watch.

Bad guys quite literally warping to locations and despite them hiring 2 professionals (US SO) with there bottomless pockets they still hire the most incompetent goons ever seen on screen. They simply cant land a shot to save there lives

That is save the 2 females in the film. The only shooters in the whole film who can land a shot on our hero are women. So why is this company hiring men? Infact why are all special forces still using men when women are so much more effective?

The 'Good' Female quite easily lands headshots while driving! she takes down swaths of assault rifle wielding goons (in body armour ill add) with nothing but her trusty glock.

Apart from having to face a couple of women, our drug addicted mercenary hero is pretty much the same. Dodging bullets effortlessly, turning invisible when he needs to and only misses shots for story progression.

Its really, really lame stuff.

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Paranormal: White Noise

utter rubbish, renamed.

(Edit) 28/07/2018

This film has been renamed in order to get bites (kicking myself for being so stupid). The original title of this tripe is 'The Sound'

Paranormal (activity) and White noise films are completely unrelated. Both of those are actually quite good, hence the attempt to use there fame.

Avoid this, its dull.

If you dont avoid it, then your as stupid as me, which is pretty bad!

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Thor: Ragnarok

more of the same

(Edit) 13/07/2018

Pretty much the same as all the other Marvel movies.

Yes its entertaining and they have clearly seen humour (how long as that taken to get into mainstream movies) is an essential ingredient.

Problem is its just the same thing, over and over. Made up with top notch effects, actors and laughs.

I feel superhero saturation is close.

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Get Out

Effective modernised stepford horror

(Edit) 26/05/2018

Ive heard a lot has been made of this film by those who get wood over expressing there liberalism and are desperate for political racial drama to feed on.

But take this film where race is just a vessel (lets face this film could of been made with age, gender, race, religion etc etc and looked exactly the same) and it is very entertaining.

I was set to be de-entertained with cringe worthy dialogue around white people being evil. Instead i was entertained with white people being really creepy with cringe worthy dialogue! There is a lot more to the film than that tho and It all moves at a good pace, getting creepier and creepier.

Good stuff.

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The greatest of all Sci Fi films?

(Edit) 26/05/2018

Aliens is an epic win by Cameron. I could leave it at that.

Its a film that wreaks of his skill and attention to detail. God, that detail. Unlike 90% of Sci Fi's Cameron makes everything and everyone something real. The way the pulse rifle is explained, the auto turrets - even Paxmans excellent comic book style scene during the drop where he details the weapon systems.. It makes it all feel so real.

And talking comic book, the marines are comically over played and almost annoying but, but it brings them to life and you quickly want everyone of them to survive. And Check out there armour. Standerd Marine issue but custom decorated, another awesome detail.

And the Marines and the weapons are just 1 small part of this film, yet that alone puts Aliens amongst the very best action films of all time. Yes, this film can trade blows with the best of horror, sci fi and action independently its that good.

A lot is said about Aliens being relentless action. It isnt. It takes almost an hour to spin up and does have the odd break through the remaining 90 minutes.

I just put it down to how the film sucks you in, then once your in its pummels you senseless. One pro writer explained it well, saying he didnt know how to rate the film as he came out dazed. He was entertained, he was exhausted.

And has any film left behind so many quotes re-used in daily life or so instantly recognizable?

Its an utter masterpeice of sci fi which only has one flaw. It set a bar with a carrot dangling from it that the film industry cant help trying to reach. Needless to say, nobody has even got close.

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The Matrix

A once in a lifetime work of genius

(Edit) 26/05/2018

I just wrote a review on Aliens, probably the best of all sci-fi films.

But as with everything there are big buts making such claims and the Matrix is one mighty big but.

The Matrix blew us all away when we watched it the first time and today it remains one of the best films ever made.

No shakey cam here, just very well drilled actors doing there stuff to one of the most original plots ever devised and bringing special effects to bare of the like never seen before. And on top of that, its also pretty good...

I envy my kids being able to watch something like this for the first time.

And it has to be said, they really dont make films like this anymore!

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fascinating drama

(Edit) 24/02/2018

Quality stuff this one.

Hanks is brilliant as youd expect, and Clint gets his mugshot on screen briefly, +1 for that!

As someone else said, the crash investigators are out of order - but fortunately that gives us this film.. One of the best pilots on the planet having his judgment questioned.

Thoroughly entertaining.

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Kong: Skull Island

not really 4stars, but im feeling generous

(Edit) 20/02/2018

I was going to give this 3 stars, but then i watched Dunkirk and Cloverfeild 3 shortly after, and realised this is actually really, really good compared to them!

Its a harmless monster romp thats not doing anything special. Everything is acceptable.

One thing im grateful for is the film doesnt exploit any sentimentality, thats taste of course.

What the film did do very well is sound. The first third of the film really did have some enjoyable and big sounds (DTS)

Had I not enjoyed the sound (particulary the helicopter parts) and watched some real steamers close to it, this would be a 3/5

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dull, confusing and not the full story.

(Edit) 18/02/2018

I wasnt expecting much of this to be honest.

The british army running away and getting stuck on a beach isnt our finest hour (funny how we are always told what a brilliant leader Churchill was when most of his calls lead to massive loss of life and defeat by a better calculated axis response). But this just film was just poor.

The film seams desperate show the navy and the army in the worst light possible. An infantryman discarding his rifle to be saved by the 'brave' french at the start is pretty much how the film continues.

Yes there were no doubt scenes of panic amongst brits - hard not to given the terrible, unprepared deployment to europe (lets not forget the French army were as strong and capable as the Germans at this point of the war - they were just poorly led and unprepared, much like the british) but to show the army and navy in this way isnt very respectful imo.

The film itself was a bit rubbish. I couldnt follow it with everyone looking the same and the occasional time warp!

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Transformers: The Last Knight

mindless fun

(Edit) 12/02/2018

how can a film with a British ninja robot butler be bad?

It cant.

Ive given this film 4 stars as i clearly forgot to put my brain back in after watching it. All i remember is lots of explosions, robots fighting, arguing, dancing, more explosions, some man on robot fights, robot on robot, man on man, woman on robot. Oh, nice dress. Woman robot on robot, tank on robot, Hannibal lector on robot, robot on car, car on man, sea on man, robot on sea - the action is endless.

Yes it rubbish, but it never takes itself to seriously (through the middle it almost turns 100% comedy). Unplug the brain, turn up the 7.1 kit and enjoy.

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The Mummy

utter rubbish

(Edit) 12/02/2018

um, utter rubbish.

Its just really, really bad.

Im trying hard to think of something good about it. Oh yes, there was one scene i enjoyed the sound effects.

Seriously, avoid this one.

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Why so much hate

(Edit) 12/02/2018

Rather than rip of alien, something so often attempted and failed at Life takes its own spin on an alien menace.

Its set close to earth which brings it own tension, we see the alien develop in detail - something i feel Ridley scott is attempting and failing miserably at.

And when people say the film is predictable and the crew useless - my take on it is the alien creature develops and learns incredibly fast. Quickly growing more lethal than the unarmed, civilian ISS crew.

It seems im largely alone in liking this film, im not sure what everyone was expecting, this film is a far superior 'Alien' experience than the pretty rubbish Alien Covenant.

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