Film Reviews by JD

Welcome to JD's film reviews page. JD has written 156 reviews and rated 198 films.

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All time classic

(Edit) 07/02/2018

This film is a class act, one of the very best sci-fi OR action films ive ever seen.

Everything about the film feels right, right from the opening scenes. Its superbly directed and the main cast, an unbound team of soldiers (the film avoids any cheese and as such Arnies squad never gets named) are brilliant. There is no shakey cam here, its all proper action by proper action actors.

Indeed, if this film was just them mooching around the jungle it would still of been an excellent film.

But they run into something they dont expect.

Unlike other films where its pretty obvious the generic cast of monster fodder soldiers are all going to die, and probably quite quickly and with a lot of wimpering, here it has you thinking its the monster who is in trouble. And again, unlike modern films this is well cast as an equal fight. Arnies team are the 'best' as is there oppenent. Its an epic fight.

They really dont make films like this anymore.

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Eddie the Eagle

great, fun film based on a legend

(Edit) 05/02/2018

Probably not really worthy of an 80% 4 stars, for one i feel the direction wasnt actually that good. However, in an age of films carrying political undertones, playing to the broadest demographic for the highest return or a director/contributing actor simply laying it on thick for an oscar this comes as a welcome change of pace. It just pure fun around the story of a crazy - but incredibly determined Olympian.

He only had 1 year with obstacles and no backing to learn his art. Even tho he came last everytime, he had the heart of a champion (nicely portrayed with a conversation with the champion near the end).

Ill admit to always seeing him as a joke, but this film humbles us all by, despite the likely made up bits, telling us the story of a kid with a humble background, a gammy leg and dodgy eye sight doing things few would dare - let alone do competitively. 7/10 for the film. 10/10 for the hero.

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Alien: Covenant

Still a long way off the magic(terror?) of the original 2

(Edit) 30/01/2018

The opening scene summed this film up for me. Its all about David and a story of creation.

Like many of the Alien films taken in isolation its an ok watch. Infact pretty its good, there is a nice mix of horror and sci fi, if a bit silly (lots of silly moments that I thought had been left in the 90’s)

But where this film really fails is its inclusion of the legendry xenomorph. Its almost as if scott has no interest in it, at one point he even appears to mock it – ‘look in here, its safe, honestly’.

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War for the Planet of the Apes

wont let me watch it on a pc

(Edit) 30/01/2018

drm prevents viewing on a pc.

visual effects are awesome but 1 star due to publishers attempt to stop me watching something ive paid for

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Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol.2

highly entertaining

(Edit) 26/01/2018

I dont think there was a huge amount to this film. Its certainly no classic. And such a weird group of characters... but its never serious.

I didnt really care where the plot was going or came from, it was just hugely good fun to watch.

And then enhanced with the presence of one of the coolest guys in the universe... who happens to be playing the coolest guy in the universe

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wouldnt play on PC

(Edit) 18/01/2018

because of the silly drm im giving this 1 star.

wanted an internet connection to play, but was to lame to notice there was one. So expects me to call a number to get a code.

To play a disc ive rented on a player i purchased running software i purchased.

If this continues im going streaming and giving up on discs.

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