Welcome to JD's film reviews page. JD has written 156 reviews and rated 198 films.
There is no opening action scene. So i was bored straight away.
Its actually in black and white so there no pretty colors flashing over the screen at all times. This made it hard to watch.
The cast is solely males. And if that wasnt bad enough, white males. I felt offended and triggered.
And, everyone could act, there were distinct characters (12!) who by the end you felt you knew personally, each having there own arc and path to conclusion.
Its an incredibly wholesome plot. In a system we only ever hear failing - this demonstrates success as it was meant. Wholesome stories are so old fashioned.
And worst of all, there was no scatter gun firing of humour during serious moments to spoil the mood.
All in all. This is no modern film.
But this is one seriously impressive film.
I found the film very interesting, giving some food for thought where both the negative and postive aspects of how the US operates were demonstrated. Having taken a interest in geopolitics over the last few years, the film was indeed very interesting in this regard.
The acting is fantastic and the whole production is extremly well done. This is a film that has been polished to within an inch of its life and in this respect alone, its fantastic.
The film is bloated. Bare in mind there is no science in this film. What tiny bit there is, is accompanied with simplistic explanation. There is also very little definition of the destruction these weapons cause. These subjects seem to of been brushed aside to focus on the people and events.
And there is the biggest flaw. Youll notice most people are keen to say they understood the film and thats because it jumps around between different times and storylines in a very fragmented way - Im not fussed to admit it, both me and my GF couldnt keep up with it all. It doesnt make you stupid, or invalidate your not-5 star rating. It just means you cant be bothered playing a memory puzzle while watching some entertainment and eating pizza.
A good film yes, but 5 stars, no. There are far, far better films out there.
Nothing against the acting, that was top notch (Jessica Lange is superb as ever) but the film was just, well, i guess for a very specific type of viewer.
Thankfully they didnt stretch it out as is often the case these days so it doesnt over stay its welcome. But it might be worth considering not even letting it in in the first place.
Proof if ever there was an all star cast doesnt make a great film.
Its watchable - there is far worse out there. But it does feel a bit like its an opportunity for us paying public to watch the rich and famous smell there own farts.
Wannabe film reviewers will love it, and ultimately this is a film for them. Not anyone really interested in being entertained.
The MCU is in a bit of mess now, and the last one i watched, the Dr Strange one was utter rubbish (lets ignore the latest spiderman movie, that was exceptional by any standerd) Ive not even bothered renting tripe like the eternals, marvels etc.
But id heard this one was ok. And indeed it is. The humour is carpet bombed and damages the film. Some of it lands and is in keeping with the Guardians, but there is simply to much.
The film in general is also a bit shallow, its not something you are going to remember or be desperate to see again. Its a film that feels like parts of it were done by a team of 5 year olds.
However, it is saved by 2 things. Firstly, and mainly is Rocket. This irritating character has his back story told. And boy is it sad and superbly done and really brings a new dimension to this character. This is MCU story telling at its very best.
And the second thing is the least favoured, least populer set of characters - if you didnt know them already. For some reason it just works.
Hopefully its over now, we dont need anymore.
And it hurts me to say this as they dont deserve our money, but its worth watching.
Thoroughly watchable and a good idea for a film.
However it falls flat with shallow characters (the 2 main characters) and a complete lack of depth or substance to the plot.
Nothing is explained, nothing odd is investigated with any depth 'oh look something interesting - lets forget about it move on with the story' And the human/emotional side just leaves you guessing.
Somethings need to be left to you imagination, but the entire story and every single detail is pushing it a bit. I get the feeling this is one of those films where the screenplay was made up as they filmed.
A new version of evil dead made for modern audiences, by modern film makers.
As you can imagine it has no relationship to the original at all. Apart from a book and some minor details in how the evil operates. Oh and there is a chainsaw in it.
As with many modern remakes affairs you get the feeling the writers and director never actually watched any evil dead or really cared for what it set out to do.
They have scanned over it, made some notes and then made there own film and dropped in the odd half hearted reference.
What you do get now however is something much better.
Your introduced to the evil and horror at the very start, so dont worry about boring tension building. There is also a mystery for you to solve. Which one is the daughter and which one is the son. That one had us stumped for most of the film.
and never fear, men are either bad in conversation (the main characters are a pair of who needs men go getters) or simply there as red shirts. Perfect.
And the gore is mostly just thrown in 'coz horror' Its copies scenes from far superior films, only in a way that makes it naff, pointless and out of context.
Id highly recommend you watch the series instead, its brilliant.
This, for all my sarcasm really only misses on 2 points. It doesnt have Bruce Campbell in it and it isnt directed by Sam Raimi. If it had those 2 things it might of been good.
This film is daft. Very daft.
It takes the daftness of the original film and cranks it upto 11.
Eco warrior - man bad, nature wins message that was old and clunky in the original is just turned up double here.
There is loads of teen drama to, which is for the most part incredibly cheesy and tedious.
And sometimes the CGI is apparent.
But, its such a gorgeous film to watch. Its hard to tell CGI from practical (presumably its mostly CGI) The extended periods of naffness are easily forgiven due to incredible effects.
The action is also superbly done, Cameron is master of action scenes and it stands out. Right down to the small details his genius is obvious.
Also it deserves credit for championing family values.
Cameron has made a pretty bad film here, compared to his greats - this really is awful. But the flipside is, regardless of his ability to create a mess if given to much control, he is still arguably the greatest of all directors. And it shows.
2 star film thats hammered into 4 stars by a lump of genius.
I found the film different and well put together.
I notice one reviewer, and no doubt many elsewhere complain about its agenda politics - which i hear.... but in this case the director has used it skillfully and dare i say correctly.
The use of '2 dads' is absolutely critical to making the plot work. Had this been a traditional family the choice would of been instantly made by the dad with even disbelief being pushed to the side at the need to protect his family. Here there is a different dynamic at work and the story uses it to its advantage.
And secondly the young girl, being who she is there is always the twisted choice. So the whole film we are left wondering what is actually going to happen - simply thanks to the alternative family.
And Dave is excellent playing a gentle giant
However the film to me felt oddly empty. Hence 3 stars. watchable and dare i say enjoyable, but ultimately nothing special.
How bad can it be?
Bad is always the answer.
Lets make a film about a man and girl surviving on earth 65million years.
How, why, what, where - dont care.
Its daft and silly. I could write an essay on the stupid things that happen and the incredibly bad script.
After over a hundred years of Cinema, how can we still make things this bad? 40 years ago John Carpenter made a better film than this with Zero budget in his schools stock cupboard (im not kidding, it really is a better film than this!) Im really at a complete loss how with all the experience and money those behind this film had, they cannot come close to something someone like Carpenter can knock up as a school project.
Not the worst film I have seen but there is no doubt it’s a load of pretentious rubbish.
It kept us interested in the way you might take interest in a suspicious brown stain on the carpet.
It fails in every way possible as entertainment. And the arty shots of the scenery or close ups of nature serve no purpose (and look awful on the grainy film) How can Sergio Leone or Ridley Scott express a thousand words in a single shot – yet these arty directors manage to convey not a single piece of usefulness in there countless pointless shots?
Im being harsh, as this is indeed complete rubbish. But I get the feeling the idea of a good film lurks under the garbage.
The first 2 films were brilliant with the third being ok.
And through this we have been treated to a fantastic Keanu who earnt huge respect over the internet for his incredible skillz (brought about by a training regime and dedication that won nothing but praise from tactical experts)
This ruins it. Yes Keanu is mighty effective and looks as professional as a professional can be. But... the film is just silly. Its endless, monotonous action scenes of more and more men running at John (and often stood waiting around for there turn to die)
And this leads to the real downer, Keanu looks old and slow. Stunt men are literally left shadow boxing waiting for there turn. Dont get me wrong, Keanu has all the moves, but the film with its OTT action highlights a miss match in filming technique and Keanu's age.
Donny Yen doesnt help here as he is smooth, slick and fast. He moves round his opponents like a greased up snake.
Keanu has earnt the respect of the internet and even tactical experts rain praise on him for his incredible skill at this so its sad to see the film get so silly as to make him look like he is past it (which he isnt)
In short its just to much to stupid action. And the beleivable and respect earning skill Keanu demonstrated in the earlier films is lost.
On the bright side the scene in Paris and the card game are excellent!
The plot and production quality are pretty good.
However its let down by the OTT attempts at gore. Its not needed and just looks silly. Nobody can shoot straight and there are so many deaths, all by person a walking upto person b, it quickly gets boring.
Also the plot switch half way through is a bit binary. It makes the fact the first part of the film is an hour long pointless and only needed to be 10 minutes.
And you get stuff like 'big pharma'. Yeh, we know there arent angels but calling your bad guys big pharma is very lazy. Talking of Lazy, there is very little depth to many of the key plot points. You get a bit of background on some occasions but mostly its left empty.
There is a lot of criticism that can be leveled at this. Which is a shame as underneath I think its a good film.
Really bad.
Geologists with C24 tech, a kid who can hack the hob with a tablet, a lead actress who the rest of the cast are falling over themselves to tell her how awesome she is. And so they should, she is a world leading Lawyer, engineer, geologist, programmer etc etc.
Terrible effects, terrible acting, awful screenplay.
Someone actually invested money in this tripe.
And i rented it. bummer.
This is the first time im seen Charles Bronson on screen for a long time, and it was great to see him. While he is no Clint Eastwood when it comes to this sort of thing, the guy is still brilliant. Infact my next job is to go through and add a load of films he is in!
Indeed, the main cast is excellent and all 4 of them are top notch even by modern standards.
I found the film a bit drawn out, not getting to the point, slow.
There is only so much the average viewer can take and its being a pushed a bit here.
However, while im no enjoyer of arty direction - pointless pans of the scenery, closeups of actors looking meaningfully into the distance.... Sergio is an absolute master at such things. Where today many directors just do it for the hope of a gong at Cannes - A silence in a Sergio film just continues the story with looks, images, actions. Its brilliant.
Plus we have the master musician doing the score. Its hard to go wrong when you have a brilliant cast, a brilliant director and a legendry composer all linned up.
The effects are pretty good for the most part to, with real stuntmen and that fly at the start on the guys face was brilliant.
Not the best of the bunch, but a great watch nonetheless.