Film Reviews by JD

Welcome to JD's film reviews page. JD has written 152 reviews and rated 194 films.

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Back to the Future: Part III

How can something so bad be so good

(Edit) 14/05/2023

Today franchises are often milked within an inch of there lives. And knowing that, first thought of 3 B2TF's is yep, its being milked.

And much like the other 2 movies, this is cheesy, full of holes, predictable and the special effects arent great.

But my lord is it good. Really good.

Its funny, entertaining and although my list of criticism stands, this film oozes quality. Its pretty obvious everyone invloved in this and the other 2 films know exactly how to make a good film.

Brilliant stuff

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Boring, predictable, nothing new or interesting here

(Edit) 09/05/2023

Just a generic horror, nobody believes her, a few jump scares, predictable plot and its all done.

It has its moments, I did like a couple of scenes. But a couple of good scenes make a good film not.

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Triangle of Sadness

at times funny, thought provoking and gross.

(Edit) 09/05/2023

I wasnt quite sure how to mark this. 3 or 4 stars? Pity we dont get to mark out of 10.

In watching this I felt many scenes were laboured and dragged on beyond there point.

It often spends a lot of time on a topic or scene that really does push the runtime out far further than it needs to go.

It does give us an interesting take on the rich and those that serve them. Im not saying its a documentry, but it does make for both humerous and interesting watching.

The light hearted argument between the socialist captain and the capitalist rusky is fun. Its has some clever digs at capitalism with some great lines that will have you thinking. It also sets up a good one liner near the end.

Im not quite sure why so many people dislike this film. Yes it pads some scenes out a bit much but it balances fun - not at all serious with some really interesting and deep lines.

imo well worth a watch.

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The Battle at Water Gate Bridge

High budget film of the Korean war from the Chinese point of view

(Edit) 02/05/2023

First up there are obvious points of political interest here. And one reason for us watching it was to see how China portray there side of an event.

Indeed, as we have seen recently its ,foolish, arrogant and naïve to simply think 'we are right' all the time.

In this case some points were interesting - having to sacrifice men due to the fact they were massively out matched technically. Capturing the superior Western equipment was absolutely critical to them. The US wanting to win - at any cost to the locals and threatening the Chinese borders. And generally the Chinese just being totally outmatched.

However, they also push it the other way. Such as the US troops are largely portrayed as thugs of no value (you can disagree with politics, but soldiers are soldiers no matter what there nationality) And the end is, lets say deceptive.

As a war film, the special effects are bad, the action silly, the dialogue I cant comment on as the translations were great and I dont speak Chinese

Its clear they have made an effort but sadly its just not good enough in to many areas.

Eastern films often take the stylised exaggerated legend type approach (like the 300 for a western example) which this hints at - but its not overt enough to cleary be in this style so just comes across as daft.

As a comparison, we watched Black hawk down again recently. And its in another world. As a war film its just so much better, and politically Ridley Scott makes sure we get both sides of the story but its done so as not to distract from the focus of the film and simply adds incredible depth as you get hints of 'two sides to the story'

Perhaps an unfair example to compare to. But i think how Ridley Scott handled making a brilliant action film, while staying true to life and also questioning the politics while keeping the viewer 'on side' deserves a lot of credit and certainly serves as an example of US 1 - 0 China!

Im one who critises hollywood a lot but something like this makes you realise they do make good stuff sometimes!

Try again China.

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Black Hawk Down

One of the best war films ever made

(Edit) 19/04/2023

On watching this again, given the changing world you can start to question the politics (although Ridley Scott as youd expect makes sure theres plenty of clues laid out) about this conflict and the US operation.

But it doesnt change the film one bit. There is no glorifying war, no vilifying one side, no sillyness. Its just a gritty, accurate war film.

Apparently the US asked british SF for help - but after taking a look at the planned op the SAS told them where to go and not to bother.

So the US did there thing. And it has to be said, while its made for an incredible film. The cost in life is terrible, on both sides.

The panic, fear and courage are all captured here. The rangers, an elite force in there own right looking to the Delta guys for inspiration (Rangers while well trained arent cut in battle like SF are) demonstrates the horror of what the US troops faced in this mess of an operation.

I loved this film when i first watched it for its accurate, no messing portrayal of events (even tho the film could be considered mild compared to the actual events)

On watching again with a more open mind the film is even better. There are no bad guys, no good guys. Just men (and women in the case of the locals) demonstrating courage in a horrible situation.

In my recent viewing the couple of spoken lines from the UN troops are hard and truthfull. On first watching you question there motivation. Next time its obvious, they are making a point about the cowboy behaviour of the US.

Its fantastic stuff, both being entertaining and also making you question the value of such decisions and policies.

Who says Ridley Scott was a 2 hit wonder!

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

masterful western

(Edit) 18/03/2023

I wasnt expecting much from this and really was just here for the score.

But it is a truly fantastic film. No doubt one of the best westerns ever. I gave the previous film 4 stars but this one gets s 5. from me It might not really be a 5 star film but i came away feeling id watched something pretty special.

The Direction is truly masterful. Despite its age this film oozes a quality modern films simply dont have.

We also have Clint Eastwood, the greatest of all cowboys. And boy is he good. But then so are the other main characters, infact i dont think Clint is main actor here, its the 'ugly' part of the trio that gets most screen time.

It also seems to make a commentary on the horrific losses during the civil war and how a man is still man. Just because he wears a different uniform doesnt make him any lesser.

And then we have Ennio's contribution. As if the film wasnt good enough - Ennios score is incredible and the main tune is probably the most recognised and memorable tune ever to grace the movies. The movie is just brilliance stacked on brilliance.

Im ashamed my expectations for this film were so low. This is awesome stuff.

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For a Few Dollars More

way, way better than i thought it was going to be!

(Edit) 12/03/2023

We watched the Ennio film which prompted us to give these SL westerns a go.

Obviously wasnt expecting much.... which was a silly mistake on hindsight.

You have a Ennio behind the score, SL directing and Clint and a brilliant Lee Van Cleef in front of the camera. Its a recipe for success and that it is.

We were blown away with how good this film was.

Yes there are elements that dont hold up to modern production values, but by the same token this film earns my 4 stars against any measure. Cant wait to watch the others now!

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Annoying cast but cool tower

(Edit) 20/02/2023

The tower for the most part is pretty cool and imo steels the show.

But then it could of been better. Firstly it utterly defies physics and there is no attempt to hide this. Also, the wind is incredibly still and the tower doesnt so much as wobble an inch. They do a great job of making something really scary - not scary at all.

The main cast are also extremely annoying. One being your typical, unlikable 'influencer' The OTT nature of the character and the constant use of her phone feels like the film was wrote by a 60year old with the thought this would appeal to the younger audience.

The other girl just feels sorry for herself right upto the end. Yeh we get it - we dont need to be reminded for 80mins non stop.

Thanks to the tower its just about watchable, if extremely silly.

And of course there is a twist, but its been done before in a similer style of film and it doesnt really have enough substance to have you thinking about it.

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Boring and makes little sense

(Edit) 20/02/2023

Alphavilles review pretty much says it all.

And im still scratching my head as to what the Chimps (the gordy show or something) relevance was. Maybe there is some message to do with animals being the film is about horses? Or was it some horror padding for the incredibly bloated and dull film? No idea.

Make sure your phone is well charged for this one.

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Fight Club

Its fight club

(Edit) 05/02/2023

One of the best films ever made.

Not much more to say. Itll appeal top almost everyone.

I have a habit of mentioning modern films when reviewing oldies like this. And having just come off a terminator double bill and grosse point blank. Then this.... yeh modern films simply aren't in the same ball game.

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Grosse Pointe Blank

Cant believe ive never seen this before

(Edit) 22/01/2023

Talking films with a mate from work i got him to list some obscure films i likely hadnt seen (there seem to be many, pre my disc rental addiction). And this was one of the first he mentioned.

And it is brilliant. Writing this in 2022/2023 its just amazing how good films used to be.

Its some odd comedy, romance, action thing that goes light on all 3 and even lacks any real plot. But its just so slick, well written and well played.

The only real flaw is Dan Ackroyd. Like many films he's not in it enough. I think he usually helps a lot with the script and i suppose his apparent lack of actor ego (he doesnt seem to demand screen time) means he isnt going to over stay his welcome. But he is brilliant. The scenes with Dan stand out as utterly superb.

I like to compare old films to new ones. But this goes beyond that, its just a fantastic film that doesnt need comparison to anything.

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The Terminator

Superb horror dressed up as scifi

(Edit) 18/01/2023

Like many of camerons films the stories from the making of this film sound like there was serious challenges for those involved. Steming from Camerons drive for perfection and extracting every last dime from the limited budget.

And from that there is a pattern. Both Arnie and Michael have ridden through other tough productions without complaining - these are tough actors playing there hardman roles. And importantly this goes for Linda Hamilton to. She is brilliant in this and its clear to see why her character is today recognized as one the greatest of all action heros. Few start off so completely out of there depth and grow into someone who remains flawed - yet is crushingly effective at there task. Its a brilliant character and brilliantly played (both from T1 through T2)

Its just a couple of small parts of what is a fantastic film start to finish. And Cameron was just warming up with this piece of cinematic glory.

If i was measuring this film by 2022 standerds its an easy 5 star film.

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High Life

Drama wrapped up as scifi

(Edit) 18/01/2023

Firstly id say dont go wathcing this based on its grouping as sci-fi fantasy. The Sci Fi provides a vessel and no more. There is the odd bit of sci-fi, but its never explained or explored. So its space ship and a mission, thats yer lot.

Which ultimately leaves drama. And then to spice that up its a bit risky or even kinky with a heavy bent towards reproduction and pleasure.

Dont get me wrong, its watchable but unless your tuned into the message its sending (im not) its going to seem a bit, and.....

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Bullet Train

Daft but entertaining and well played

(Edit) 11/01/2023

With the tripe that focus's on anything but entertaining us we get these days this film really is a great break from that rubbish.

Easily one of the best films of the year. Great cast, sharp dialogue, superb action scenes and plot thats, erm, there.

It has lots of flaws, but its just out to entertain and it does that in buckets.

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After playing the related game, this was a big thump back to reality.

(Edit) 06/12/2022

Given there is a balance erring to good reviews (this film is one of those that seems to get 10/10 – best film ever or 1/10 – worst film ever) and ive played the PC game that was clearly inspired by this work (a brilliant, atmospheric game) I felt this was a film to watch (plus it may well become contraband the way things are going!)

Boy is it dull. And I think the first thing to clear up is this is NOT sci-fi. Its suggests science fiction but its not actually present.

There are lots of arty shots and rambling monologues. Yeh I get the director is a clever guy but this is not entertainment in the slightest.

In short avoid this film. People that think its 10/10 will know what it is before it starts.

So it pains me, after telling my girlfriend its going to be great I had to concede its entertainment value next to zero. Which is a pity as I really wanted to enjoy this film.

I was going to give it 3 stars for cool concept and the game we got from it. But that’s just delusion on my part. 1 star sadly.

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