Welcome to JD's film reviews page. JD has written 156 reviews and rated 198 films.
Like many of camerons films the stories from the making of this film sound like there was serious challenges for those involved. Steming from Camerons drive for perfection and extracting every last dime from the limited budget.
And from that there is a pattern. Both Arnie and Michael have ridden through other tough productions without complaining - these are tough actors playing there hardman roles. And importantly this goes for Linda Hamilton to. She is brilliant in this and its clear to see why her character is today recognized as one the greatest of all action heros. Few start off so completely out of there depth and grow into someone who remains flawed - yet is crushingly effective at there task. Its a brilliant character and brilliantly played (both from T1 through T2)
Its just a couple of small parts of what is a fantastic film start to finish. And Cameron was just warming up with this piece of cinematic glory.
If i was measuring this film by 2022 standerds its an easy 5 star film.
Firstly id say dont go wathcing this based on its grouping as sci-fi fantasy. The Sci Fi provides a vessel and no more. There is the odd bit of sci-fi, but its never explained or explored. So its space ship and a mission, thats yer lot.
Which ultimately leaves drama. And then to spice that up its a bit risky or even kinky with a heavy bent towards reproduction and pleasure.
Dont get me wrong, its watchable but unless your tuned into the message its sending (im not) its going to seem a bit, and.....
With the tripe that focus's on anything but entertaining us we get these days this film really is a great break from that rubbish.
Easily one of the best films of the year. Great cast, sharp dialogue, superb action scenes and plot thats, erm, there.
It has lots of flaws, but its just out to entertain and it does that in buckets.
Given there is a balance erring to good reviews (this film is one of those that seems to get 10/10 – best film ever or 1/10 – worst film ever) and ive played the PC game that was clearly inspired by this work (a brilliant, atmospheric game) I felt this was a film to watch (plus it may well become contraband the way things are going!)
Boy is it dull. And I think the first thing to clear up is this is NOT sci-fi. Its suggests science fiction but its not actually present.
There are lots of arty shots and rambling monologues. Yeh I get the director is a clever guy but this is not entertainment in the slightest.
In short avoid this film. People that think its 10/10 will know what it is before it starts.
So it pains me, after telling my girlfriend its going to be great I had to concede its entertainment value next to zero. Which is a pity as I really wanted to enjoy this film.
I was going to give it 3 stars for cool concept and the game we got from it. But that’s just delusion on my part. 1 star sadly.
Feels like a parallel movie for the MCU, like some spin off or low budget experiment.
I know the MCU is pretty much dead today with a series of horrendous films and series' but this is weirdly bad.
Taika makes sure both he and his girlfriend get plenty of screen time and both arent even annoying, there just pointless and appear to have little interest in the film. I wont call the attempts at humour, humour. Its incredibly lame.
And worst of all Thor is just a clown.
The film doesnt take the source material or characters seriously in the slightest and rather than being original, its utter garbage.
This is a terrible film and a waste of two great actors in Chris and Chris and the brief appearance of the other Chris!
We gave the last dr strange film a go and that was meh. A bland average film that seemed to make little sense and who's main character had the IQ of a daisy. And now this. I think thats it for me, no more MCU consumption.
Neeson is a great actor, but he is one of those actors who I typically avoid watcing - because of the films he is in.
Unlike Nick Cage, who takes on varied roles and brings a special passion to it, regardless of how bad the film is, Neeson is just set in the same role playing the same character every single time.
And here we have the same again but offering up nothing new or interesting. And the plot simply doesnt hold together in the slightest.
Aparently Neeson is doing a remake of Airplane (so ive been told?) Now this is what we need from him. He needs to stop with this action stuff. Once was ok. Not 500 times.
Watching this is it never felt as bad as it had been made out to be.
Its generally a harmless, formulaic comic book flic. However, the very first second you think about it you realise this is one empty, dull, bland and utterly pointless movie.
As some point out, modern movies from big studios or streamers are very much there for consumption. You consume, move onto the next. Consume, move on. etc etc. Its all about volume, the more they push out, the more there is for us to consume. Low quality, high volume.
On the bright side this film doesnt really push any messaging to aggravate the viewer which is a nice change. But by the same token it fails to push any sort of a plot or meaningful experience either.
Id never heard of this guy (yes, im an uncultured neanderthal) but of course you only need to mention this is the guy who came up with the score for those westerns and my interest was peaked. I can think of no films which are so fondly remembered - simply for the score.
It also seems that Ennio was almost oblivious to his abilities. Scenes with him show his clear love for his craft (which seems he didnt really have for working in cinema through most of his career)
He seems extremely humble and lacked the arrogance you get from such incredibly capable people. It takes those around him to clarify how good both he and his work was. Most of the films he worked on were 'niche' to say the least. However as his career spanned such a period we still get to enjoy his work in some modern films
Well worth watching as even if youve never heard of Ennio, its extremely unlikely you haven't enjoyed his work on more than one occasion.
Its shame guys like this dont live for ever. Luckily, his work almost certainly will.
Sadly this super low budget film easily makes my 'one of the worst films i have ever seen' list.
The acting is truly terrible. We are talking sub syfy special here. The lack of acting ability is exaggerated by the terrible screenplay and directing.
Most of the film is close up of actor A while they speak. Then Snap to actor B for response. Snap to actor C for there close up. Over and over again.
There are times when Actor B will respond to Actor A before Actor A has finished there last word!
We also have some confusing casting which given there is no context has you wondering if this is trying to be historically accurate or just going for some 'reflect the modern world' Which also seems to impact how the film ends.
And the monsters, yeh..... lets not go there.
This film could of worked. It has the setting, it has the plot. A low budget is no excuse for making such utter garbage.
Ill admit, there is something oddly watchable about this film. I guess it throws enough questions to keep you thinking.
Actually, no, thinking on it we spent more time laughing at how daft it was. It starts off with the awful explosion effects, then runs into a flimsy plot who's subject matter, hacking and explosives are clearly something the writer, director etc do not know the slightest thing about. Of course if theyd hired an expert it would of meant back to the drawing board with the story and screenplay.
A really bad film thats lucky i gave it 2 stars. But if your super bored and fancy a laugh.....
Probably more a 3.5 out of 5 than a 4, but rounding up as this is a thoroughly enjoyable film.
Its full of humour, and refreshingly a lot of it would see this film banned today. Arnies character is for the most part playing it straight which as my GF pointed out at the end seemed like some political undertones - the film is about our heros stopping the nasty middle eastern terrorists. However, the terrorists reason is 'to stop the bombing of there women and children' and i dont believe the terrorists kill a single person in the whole film - where Arnie leaves nothing but destruction behind!
Its all convincingly played and being a cameron job the visuals hold up well today. The Harrier scenes are for the most part utterly fantastic and in typical Cameron style its all done with enough detail to keep even a plane nerd like me failing to find much fault.
The cast is great to.
This might not be Camerons best work by a long way, but is better than most similar modern films of the type.
Ive not watched a marvel film or series since endgame as it all looks and sounds really bad. Apart from the brilliant spiderman of course, which was exceptionally good.
But thought we'd give this a go... its got the great Sam Raimi directing it so surely it cant be 'bad'?
Well it is. Its spectacular and no doubt Raimi's direction earns it that third star ive given. But the rest of the film is really disappointing.
The cgi is clearly cgi. It seems there is little effort to hide it, maybe because its the 'multiverse' they assumed they could get away with being lazy on the VFX.
Id say most of the acting wasnt great and the worst part was strange himself.
Dr Strange is one of the most powerful and wisest heros and with his power came great responsibility. However in this he is just a simple fool, bumbling from one fight to another. He is constantly being told what to do by other characters, every version of himself is bad, easily corrupted, stupid etc which even extends to our universe version. Ultimatly he's just a prop for wanda and america(?).
And we have Wanda. yeh, cast a tear and it doesnt matter the suffering you have caused. Its a bit of a silly character and i didnt find her acting particularly convincing.
And at the end where are we? What actually happened after all that? If i had to say what this film was about and where it leads it can only be the girl who is the key to everything. As for Dr Strange, it appears he's not really the guy we spent the last god knows how many years learning about.
Given the divisive and extremely poor 'new trek' it was looking like star trek as we know it was dead.
But no, Seth has shown us you can still make great trek. It might not be called startrek, but Seths passion for this classic scifi is clear.
It has all the things that made proper star trek so great. Including the welcome return of stories, characters, situations that arent simply sombodies opinion or messages but offering up genuine moral dilemas or clearly stating there are 2 sides to every argument. At the very least this is as good as any proper star trek (of course you cant replace shatner or beat 'the best of both worlds') and makes the recent efforts to modernise star trek by paramount on both film and streaming look horribly out of touch.
The Orville, although i believe this touch was forced by the studio, also has its own touch of brilliance. And thats the humour. Its sprinkled in light touches so as not to turn the program into a farce, but at times is incredibly funny. Often Jokes will be more for the sci fi fans but are superbly well integrated into what are almost always very serious stories.
cmon CP, get the other seasons!
There are very, very few films that can claim to be better today than they were the day they were launched.
The only flaws i have for this film is some of the special effects - some are ok, but most look bad even for the 80's and the film is perhaps a bit to sharp and trim. Its a brilliant film and i wouldnt of minded a little more runtime.
On this disc you only need to slot it into your machine to be witness of this films greatness. There is no noisy menu running through bits of the film. Just the logo and the timeless theme song. Its special and not a frame of film has yet rolled.
The cast are brilliant, as youd expect from the names in this. Even the supporting characters are excellent.
So back to my first statement, how can a film be better 30 years on? gb2016 has that honour. It showed us all how under appreciated fantastic films like this were. By failing so miserably to re-invent ghostbusters it forced home how how good the original was.
I might not of given this 5 stars (that honour is saved for the likes of Carpenter or Cameron) but it is a fantastic film that that my Son, girlfriend and myself all thoroughly enjoyed.
Entertainment value here is near zero.
Its nicely made, looks good and so on but its so incredibly dull.
We turned it off after 30mins
Which really does put it in a very small pile at the bottom of my film ratings.