Film Reviews by MG

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A Star Is Born

A Gem of a Film

(Edit) 11/03/2019

Came into this with reasonably low expectations but come the end I was blown away.

I loved most of the music (bar a couple of poppy numbers) and Cooper and Gaga had unbelievable chemistry together. The first moment they sing 'Shallow' together was incredibly powerful and this song is the signature track and has an important part to play in their lives.

Definitely a melodrama but a finely-executed one at that. Really surprised by how much this film got to me, thought it would be a knockabout fun yet diverting couple of hours but it was far more than this.

Watch it!

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All the Money in the World

Okay BUT I have a gripe about blatant racists...

(Edit) 21/08/2018

The film was okay but was moved to post due to the review from PV. Wow, what a racist. PC Gestapo?! What hyperbole. Only watch shows with white leads? Oh. My. God. Missing out then you racist.

Oh and Spacey isn't guilty yet but come on, too many stories out there to just brush it all under the carpet.

Cinema Paradiso, please send out a warning to this poster. Surely you don't tolerate such views? This isn't a matter of free speech either as I'm sure you have rules and guidelines which apply to customer reviews. We can't swear for one.

Sorry, I'm not normally like this but that PV person is clearly racist, misogynistic and shouldn't be allowed to post such comments without any repercussions!

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Transformers: The Last Knight

Heavy Metal

(Edit) 10/11/2017

I didn't think it was that bad, arguably the best one since the first (although I except that's not saying much!). It's nonsense, pure nonsense but generally I enjoyed the 'movie', some spectacular effects and action sequences, a few laughs along the way.

Leave your brain behind and you might get something out of it. Better than the latest "Pirates" and "Mummy" efforts anyway, a looong way away from the likes of "Dunkirk" and "Blade Runner 2049" but then you knew that already. ;-)

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The Red Turtle

Artistic, certainly. Exciting, no.

(Edit) 03/10/2017

Wow, this really stunk. Major problem is that even though it has a short running time it is still an hour or so too long. In my opinion this would have been better as a short 20-30 min film, a curiosity with some artistic merit but nothing more. Baffling and at times quite boring. Really disappointed in it. Should have rented 'The Secret Life of Pets' instead!


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Alien: Covenant

Return To Form...

(Edit) 17/05/2017

"Prometheus" pretty much divided critics and audiences everywhere when it came out in 2012. It wasn't what many had expected and seemed to raise more questions than answers. For the record I think it's okay, a good slice of sci-fi that has wonderful visuals, some good ideas but essentially a grand B movie. Probably not what people were expecting though from Scott.

"Alien: Covenant" is more conventional in many ways, a simpler story to understand but one that has a few twists and turns of it's own. The idea of creation is very prominent but it is still sci-fi and sci-fi horror at that and here it delivers. Lots of gore, running, screaming, people sweating in panic and terror, subtle it ain't!

Yet for me it works, the cast are all generally good but this is Fassbender's film and he really delivers here. He's the Ripley of this Alien timeline if you like, it's his interactions with the aliens and engineers that bind everything together.

Will be very interesting to see how the story evolves in the inevitable sequel.

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Son of Saul

Overrated But Worth A Watch

(Edit) 14/09/2016

This is a bleak film and yet it left me more numb than anything else. The first half hour or so many scenes and small moments certainly leave an impact and horrify but after a while you almost start to feel like one of the workers here; oblivious and almost uncaring to the relentless murder and slaughter. Maybe that was intentional on the director's part.

I was glad I watched it but also glad once it was over. A film that critics love almost more because they think they ought to rather than it is truly deserving of such acclaim.

The Holocaust was awful, evil, a horrible stain on all of humanity. It is possible to make a great film about it though as proven by the classic 'Schindler's List'. This isn't one of those films though.

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Genuine Treat

(Edit) 10/06/2016

In some hands this could have become a run of the mill thriller but instead it is something far better. An intriguing premise that slowly unravels into something that leaves you gasping for air and trying to hold back the tears.

Excellent performances and direction (although Macy feels wasted) from all involved. It does leave a lot of questions unanswered but take it for what it is, a story about a mother and her son and trying to find their place in the world and that this entails.

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Gone Girl


(Edit) 16/03/2015

A message to RP - NEVER, EVER, give away so much detail in your reviews. Shame on you for posting it. You're entitled to your opinion of course but what you did was shameful! At the very least post a Spoiler warning. It does amuse me though in your review that you had such a problem with bad language as I could certainly think of a few choice names for you! Shame also on Cinema Paradiso for allowing your review to stay. Should be removed post-haste.

As for the film, pretty good I thought. Yes there is a lot of mumbling at times but I like this, makes you strain harder to listen to what the character's are saying. In all honesty there were no likeable characters in this film but that's okay, not everybody in the world is a nice person. Yes I guess some of the twists and turns may surprise, even annoy some people, but so be it. Fincher has never been one to care too much what people think.

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