Film Reviews by JO

Welcome to JO's film reviews page. JO has written 5 reviews and rated 113 films.

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And Then There Were None


(Edit) 10/05/2021

I have seen film adaptations of this book many times but this adaptation was by far the best. Great cast, well acted.

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Tedious and terrible

(Edit) 23/04/2021

What more can i say! Lame plot that went nowhere. No real story line. A waste of 2 hours that I won't get back. Choose something else.

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Richard Jewell

Good reconstruction

(Edit) 23/04/2021

I enjoyed this film, it was a simple story line but it holds your attention to the end. Clint Esatwood does not disappoint.

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Enemy Lines

Held Attention

(Edit) 05/03/2021

Whilst not the best war movie ever made the film was interesting and held my attention to the end. Worth a look.

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A Ghost Story: The Small Hand


(Edit) 05/03/2021

The script was so flawed how would anyone buy that house and who on earth would remain there having already lost relatives. Just not realistic. I also thought some of the acting left much to be desired by one of the actors in a lead role.

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