Film Reviews by William London

Welcome to William London's film reviews page. William London has written 18 reviews and rated 180 films.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

The force is WEAK with this movie

(Edit) 30/04/2018

Dear George,

I would like to apologize for ever saying that Episode I was bad. I'm so sorry. You had a clear direction in your mind for Star Wars. And Episode I had an original story that made sense.

Episode I was SO MUCH BETTER than this Last Jedi turd. This patchwork of a movie is made of countless scenes taken from your original trilogy that it would be classified as a rip-off had it not been made by the new owner of your Intellectual Property.

Last Jedi is more an action movie like a recent Mission Impossible. I giggled a few times while watching it. But there was no suspense. Last Jedi is probably comparable to Beverly Hills cop IV. People watched it without expectations and that movie faded very quickly from memory. Last Jedi is as interesting as a mid-season episode of The Walking Dead.

People who made this movie had no idea of the material they were working on. Luke was THE hero in Star Wars and he is portrayed in such a terrible way. I feel cheated by his presence. Mark Hamill should not have accepted to play Luke again with such a script, but Disney probably made him a cheque he could not refuse. And the Science-Fiction in this movie is just Fantasy.

I don't care about these made-up characters that make no sense. Because, come-on, how long did it take Luke (or Anakin) to learn how to use telekinesis a move a lightsaber stuck in the snow on Hoth (spoiler: Rey make one fly across the room on her first try)? Or how long did it take Luke to move just one rock on Dagobah (spoiler: Rey moves several hundred/tons on her first try). And how long did it take Luke to fight with a lightsaber (magically, Rey was born as a master). I could go on...

I won't be watching the Solo movie or Episode XIV. And I just don't care about a meagre cliffhanger at the end of Last Jedi, especially after watching how they resolved the meagre cliffhanger at the end of The Force Awakens.

This movie was empty.

Mickey is just milking, and I'm not interested.

Star Wars: RIP.

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John Wick 2

1st was great, so they made a 2nd John Wick. There won't be a 3rd!

(Edit) 23/04/2018

The first movie was innovative, fun, and overall a great experience. This second chapter doesn't bring anything. It's a failure. It's just a filler until they release the final chapter. It feels like Matrix 2.

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets


(Edit) 27/11/2017

I'm going to make an analogy. Do you remember how much people liked the original Star Wars trilogy? And do you remember why Star Wars Episode I was so disappointing? It's mostly because it was filled with far too much CGI, the story was not that interesting, some lead actors could not act at all, and there was a flawed main character. Now do you remember how much people liked Luc Besson's Fifth Element? Valerian is like Episode I. Worse in fact.

Valerian fails as a movie but succeeds as a promotional tool for Besson's CGI studio. But do you want to pay to watch a 2-hour ad?

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Family Guy: It's a Trap!

The trailer is better than the movie

(Edit) 28/10/2017

This movie is filled with fart/ass/toilet/rape/racist/xenophobic jokes as well as gratuitous violence a couple of times. NOT funny!

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Alien: Covenant

Better than Prometheus, but not as good as Alien or Aliens

(Edit) 02/11/2017

This movie follows the usual Alien story (nice humans take no precautions then become hosts and die), integrates nice touches from both Alien and Aliens (fans will love these), makes use of modern special effect unavailable 40 years ago, and adds an "Origin" part. It really should have called "Alien Reboot" or "Alien Origins". Despite that, the movie is filled with suspense, up to the last second. And the cast is good. However, this movie doesn't bring anything fundamentally new compared to "Alien vs Predator". It's a good evolution and therefore a worthy remake. Any fan of Alien should watch that movie, but I am not sure it will be worth watching a second time in the future.

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Would have been better as a documentary

(Edit) 06/02/2017

It's not always clear who is in a scene, why they do or decide to do something, or where they are. It would have made a great documentary, but as a movie, it's nothing special.

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(Edit) 30/01/2017

As bad as Matrix 2 and 3 were compared to the first movie in their series. Waste of 2 hours. DO NOT WATCH!

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The Assassin

So slooooooooooow

(Edit) 18/01/2017

Excellent alternative to sleeping pills. Should be reimbursed by the NHS. But as entertainment: zero value.

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X-Men: Apocalypse


(Edit) 18/01/2017

It's very very hard not to think of Stargate (The Movie) and SG-1 (the series) for the first hour. But for the fan of the original X-Men, it's quite pleasant. No Colossus, but at least we get a better Phoenix than in the first movies.

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Independence Day: Resurgence


(Edit) 12/01/2017

Such a bad movie. The story does not make sense. So much so that this movie should be reclassified from Science Fiction to just Fantasy. It's filled with young actors who can't act. The scenario is so linear that there is no suspense. And they intend to make a 3rd movie? LOL.

Rent it just to make your own opinion but do not expect to be entertained. It's that bad!

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The Revenant

Surprisingly good

(Edit) 12/01/2017

It's good, with a rich story, and lots of suspense. Well acted and beautifully filmed. I'm not sure I would like to watch it again in the future, but it's a good movie.

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Ghostbusters 3


(Edit) 08/01/2017

That movie didn't make me laugh at all. It's sad for a comedy. The best actors in this film are those from the original movie, they demonstrate they can act, even for just 30 seconds. The main actors can't. The casting is just wrong. The story is more or less taken from the original movie: no surprise or suspense there. It's just a terrible movie.

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(Edit) 22/06/2016

It could have been an OK movie if the story made sense (taking place in the future doesn't make it "Sci-Fi") and actors knew how to act...

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The Intern


(Edit) 22/06/2016

It's not a comedy (you won't laugh). It's a romantic-comedy, or a quality chick-flick. Not a bad movie, pleasant to watch and relaxing. But not worth seeing a second time.

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Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation

Boring nonsense

(Edit) 12/06/2016

Boring nonsense from start to finish. Making an IMF movie as good as the first one still is an impossible mission it seems.

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