Film Reviews by MB

Welcome to MB's film reviews page. MB has written 3 reviews and rated 29 films.

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The Souvenir

I have to warn you.......

(Edit) 08/04/2020

One star is being kind. This film is dull and cringeworthy as it gets. The characters are implausible

and there is no flow to the film. In places it appears that there have been accidents with the editing.

I actually made myself watch it all, which I found impossible in one sitting. I don't understand why anyone

would have wanted to make this film. OK I watched it, but just to realise how bad bad can get!

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Dull and Pointless

(Edit) 21/02/2019

I persevered and watched in three instalments throughout the evening. It is just too boring to sit all the way through being nearly two hours long but feels so much more. The storyline (if you can call it that) is somewhat disjointed and actually meaningless. It is probably fair to say that you couldn't be blamed if you thought it was a collection of random outtakes strung together. Did I miss the point of this film somewhere? - I don't think so.

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A Quiet Place

I didn't hate it, but it's not really worth 2 stars

(Edit) 06/02/2019

I found this film pointless and as a result really didn't care about any of the characters.

The plot is totally flawed and the storyline does not stand up to any degree of scrutiny.

Really very poor.

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