Film Reviews by EJ

Welcome to EJ's film reviews page. EJ has written 23 reviews and rated 34 films.

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Empire of Light


(Edit) 30/03/2023

This was not an enjoyable watch: Indeed, I found it hard to continue after, what was to be the first of MANY unpleasant sex scenes, in which there was an air of abuse. The writing was shallow and I really didn’t feel it had anything to say. Too much of Olivia Colman out of control and the other characters’ story lines were weak: What was the point of having Toby Jones’s character announcing he hadn’t seen his son for years and that was as far as that went?? A messy, uncomfortable watch. The only positive thing was the wonderful building: It’s such a shame cinemas like this were allowed to disappear, to be replaced by soulless multi-plex cinemas; which I detest. 

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Maria by Callas

A Treat!

(Edit) 16/08/2019

Watching this was such an amazing experience; so personal!

It felt as if you’d spent time in Maria Callas’s life and feeling the pain and anguish that she, at times, suffered, along with the monumental highs of her performances: It was so revealing.

It did leave me quite sad though, to learn how lonely a life can be, when you have the world expect so much from you, but to adore you at the same time and oh my, did they adore her!  An absolute SUPERSTAR was Maria Callas. 

For all the talk over the years of her being a diva, who was difficult to work with, I had the feeling that she was misunderstood. She worked tirelessly at something all her life in a role she didn’t even want, to please her audience.  It was sad to hear her longing for her lost childhood and wishing she could have had a simple life with a loving family. 

I hope I haven’t painted too sad a picture of this revealing documentary, as it was full of wonder too: Life changing to watch, in a way.  I certainly won’t listen to her voice in the same way: Enjoy!

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A Good Marriage


(Edit) 04/04/2019

Disappointing and annoying. In the same vain as a Woody Allen movie; looking at the mindset of the characters and how they fit (or do not fit) together. The trouble with this, is the main character is such a spoilt child in an adult’s body, who sulks and tantrums so much you want to dislike her and press the fast forward button: Which I did! Poor acting from Beatrice Romand doesn’t do it any favours either.

My first watch of a film by this director, but this is not an intelligent one.

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The Wife

Predictable and Rather Boring

(Edit) 04/03/2019

I was really looking forward to this dvd coming, as it has a strong cast and a theme I thought would be right up my street, but alas, another boring movie that just doesn't hit the mark. The storyline is so predictable it just fills you with disappointment and although the acting was good (particularly Jonathan Pryce; I didn't actually think much of Glenn Close's acting and was surprised she was up for an Oscar nomination) it couldn't hold my attention. Again, disappointing.

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All About the Sex

(Edit) 04/03/2019

The storyline is nonsense and the sexual theme upsetting, as it felt rather abusive and there was a lot of it in this vain. The worst aspect though was the dreadful scenes of animal vivisection which were traumatising to me. There should be some warning about this at the start. All in all, a film I'd rather not have watched and I don't recommend anyone else to either!

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Why Him?

Surprisingly Watchable!

(Edit) 04/03/2019

I concur completely with the review left by AT. I let out a small groan when I saw this dvd in my dispatched list, as I thought it would be too crude and wondered why I had picked it, but it turned out to be quite watchable. If only there was an antidote you could take at the start to stop your senses being attacked by all the bad language, as like all movies today, this has plenty!

Good comedy acting from Bryan Cranston and the actress playing his wife (sorry if she happens to read this, as I can't remember her name. Not likely though!) The part when she's high and wants some bedtime fun is hilarious! Worth putting up with the bad language just for that scene.

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L'Amant Double

Pathetic Nonsense

(Edit) 12/02/2019

What the heck! Trying to be too clever and producing a ridiculous nonsense movie. Literally left us wanting to vomit! What a mixed up, ugly film.

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Empty Rubbish

(Edit) 13/02/2019

What a waste of lottery money: Shameful! Where is the storyline and the reason for watching this rubbish? The main character needed some discipline from someone and what a scene to be left in my brain of her shaking that used condom in her drug dealer’s mouth - lovely!

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Christopher Robin


(Edit) 13/02/2019

This really is a weak film and not very well acted by any of the cast. I’m not sure if I actually kept my mind on it! I hope it didn’t cost much to make, as it would not have been worth it. Avoid!

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Battle of the Sexes

Why was this made?

(Edit) 13/02/2019

You really need to be so interested in this event from not too long ago to find this movie interesting. Even then, you might question why it was made into this boring movie. It was so hard to watch, I had my finger on the forward button a lot of the time and didn’t miss any of the plot. Yet another dvd I wish I hadn’t rented from Cinema Paradiso: Get some decent movies in your library!

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Happy End

Bring Back French Films From The Past!

(Edit) 13/02/2019

Yet ANOTHER boring movie with a convoluted storyline that, in the end, said nothing. I want my money back! No, seriously. What has happened to French movies? I used to love watching their interesting characters and thoughtful plots, but now it’s disappointment all round. Isabelle Huppert is either a very boring actress, or just likes playing boring parts, as this is the third film I’ve watched with her as the lead character that has sent me to sleep.

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(Edit) 13/02/2019

Yes, this one works! A good storyline with thoughtful acting from all, especially from the young ones. A little slow to begin with, but it is needed for the interesting, unfolding plot to work. Watch and enjoy!

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The Mountain Between Us

It Was Good

(Edit) 03/11/2018

Wasn't sure if I would like the movie, having read the reviews, but, actually, I did! Not the most complex of story lines, but a well acted movie with stunning scenery and a human interest that keeps you watching to the end.

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On Chesil Beach


(Edit) 03/11/2018

I was looking forward to this movie, usually my 'cup of tea', but it just wasn't right. I didn't actually enjoy watching Saoirse Ronan and as for the character she played, well the reason she behaved the way she did, becomes clear through watching the film unfold, but the ending didn't make sense to me: She married and had several children; why and how? Well acted by Billy Howle, but some scary 'face ageing' going on there!

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Before I Go to Sleep

Badly Written - (and acted!)

(Edit) 17/04/2018

This movie has a ridiculous, boring, unintelligent storyline. This, along with ANOTHER boring stint of so-called acting from Nicole Kidman made sure I regretted the choice of its hire for a long 88 minutes!

I also found the gratuitous violence subjected to the female character unnecessarily 'over the top'.

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