Film Reviews by EJ

Welcome to EJ's film reviews page. EJ has written 23 reviews and rated 34 films.

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Paddington 2

Sheer Joy! Not just for children and why should they have all the fun?

(Edit) 17/04/2018

Excellent! Loved the first adaptation, loved the second. Great writing, acting, great everything! Laughed out loud throughout and thanks for the side splitting ending - well done Hugh Grant; superb. If your'e feeling down in the dumps, put this movie into your disc player and all your cares will be whisked away in a trice - lovely.

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Ernest and Celestine


(Edit) 17/04/2018

Simply animated, but that's not a bad thing. This is a charming piece, with a thoughtful storyline. Glad I watched it.

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Goodbye Christopher Robin

Too Depressing

(Edit) 17/04/2018

I hadn't read what this film was about and to my shame, didn't know the reality of Christopher Robin's childhood. I therefore, wasn't expecting such a sad story to be told. Watching the lonely, scared, torturous look on the face of the child portraying C.R., was very hard to endure. Very good acting from this little boy though. Domhnall Gleeson is a very good actor, but is looking too young to play the part, even with those ridiculous fake eyebrows!

Naive of me to think anything connected to Winnie the Pooh would be comforting and sweet. Too sad a tale.

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Same Kind of Different as Me

Have Tissues At the Ready!

(Edit) 17/04/2018

Wasn't sure at first, if my television was accidentally switched to one of those dreadful afternoon American movies you find on Channel 5 most days, as the production and writing was a little tricky at the beginning. Moved on to be a very worthwhile movie to watch, with the tale of a big hearted lady who made things happen for the better!

A sad reminder of the dreadful divide between people in America, but with a hopeful nod to the good in some.

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The Death of Louis XIV

Not On This Occasion

(Edit) 10/03/2018

I usually love to watch period films, but on this occasion, I was very bored. Impressive attention to detail; particularly to the costumes, but it was difficult not to switch off.

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Kingsman: The Golden Circle


(Edit) 10/03/2018

This is a truly dreadful sequel. The first Kingsman movie was just about watchable, but this is just embarrassing. It makes me wonder why an actor of such calibre as Colin Firth, would take the money to appear in this.

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Becoming Bond

Surprisingly Interesting and Entertaining!

(Edit) 10/03/2018

This is a gem - wasn’t too sure at first, but it soon became irresistible watching. I’ve always thought George Lazenby’s Bond to be the best portrayal of this character and the film script and acting one of quality. The negative rumours why George Lazenby wasn’t cast again are put to rest in this. It is a shame he chose not to continue, but kind of understandable when you get to hear him tell all. Watch and enjoy; adults only though!

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A Man Called Ove

A 'Must Watch' Movie: Wonderful and Uplifting

(Edit) 08/01/2018

Rolf Lassgård's portrayal of what it is to be human in this crazy world we live in is absolutely wonderful. We couldn't stop laughing and crying throughout this funny and heartbreaking movie. Thank you, those responsible, for the laughter and the tears. What all movies should be about!

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