Film Reviews by SB

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The Disaster Artist


(Edit) 24/11/2021

Well the main character or the actor who plays him is convincing and funny also a character who would not be out of place in any situation. I think this portrayal really makes this movie as it would otherwise be poor and boring.

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(Edit) 05/02/2021

Well a good cast and camera work and certainly different to what I am used to if I did have a criticism it would be that this is a actor or designers {directors} movie as well as an extras. I found it a little bit too fast moving for my liking but it certainly keeps you on the edge of your seat. The story for me falls apart with all the extras with one trying to keep up with the fast pace and action.

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The Mercy

Good movie

(Edit) 26/11/2020

Interesting and true story I am always interested in stories that involve a challenge and adventure also man against natures elements. The first part which involves the challenge of getting the boat design and then made and then how it stands up in the adventure. Rarely will you see this sort of challenge today and because of the time in which it was taken.

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Work pressure

(Edit) 10/01/2019

Good overall story of Whitney Houston and her life and insight into the star and behind the scenes. Obviously a tragic ending and what the excesses of drug addiction can do to your life. Interesting interviews with family and friends adding a informative dynamic to the story.

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True Detective: Series 1

Gripping,intense thriller

(Edit) 15/10/2018

Interesting detective story and mildly amusing particularly woody harrelson's character,only seen first three episodes so far. The gripping part of the story so far obviously revolves around the killer although not is much known about the character being the early stages of the series. The dark atmosphere or mood of this series is what makes it interesting and the detective work. I look forward to the following episodes.

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13 Reasons Why: Series 1

Mini Movies

(Edit) 13/08/2018

I really enjoyed this series of 13 Reasons Why and look forward to when the next batch is made available via cinemaparadiso. They were like miniature movies with you always looking forward to the next episodes. This climpse into American school life is so interesting it keeps you glued to the set. And with the difficult subject matter it certainly covers the problems young people are facing today. I would well recommend this series to anyone.

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