Film Reviews by SB

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2012 Mayan prophecy revealed


(Edit) 17/07/2012

No production values, no story, no visuals, no point. This is just a bunch of boring talking heads for 3.5 hrs. It is the most boring documentary I have ever watched, and I have watched (and made) a few.

If it really is this close to the end of the world as we know it I would suggest making better use of your time.

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The Four Times

In a genre all its own.

(Edit) 13/07/2012

A truly remarkable and inspiring movie in a genre all its own.

It has a similar feel to "The the story of the Weeping Camel" but more profound, quirky and skilled. The interview with the director reveals just how much effort and patience when into capturing all the natural scenes needed to tell his story about the cycles of life and reincarnation.

The star turn from the dog is a real gem of a scene and shows that Michelangelo Frammartino is truly talented artist. It is not surprising it won at Cannes.

So ingenious it left me wanting to watch it again and again.

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The Three Musketeers

Utter brilliant rubbish

(Edit) 15/06/2012

A hammed up comic twist of a classic tale that is done with so much panache and character styling you'll forgive the utterly unbelievable story line. Full of plot twists with an overdose of gallantry. Thoroughly entertaining.

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Your Highness

Appalling, Your Lowness

(Edit) 21/10/2011

After half and hour of watching poor acting, bad scripting and terrible sets my patience was wearing thin. The total lack of comedic timing and originality make this possibly the worst movie ever made in the name of comedy. But its lowest point had to be the jokes about the protagonist being molested as child by his guru... and then watching as he masturbated him! If you 5* givers find that kind of thing funny you best seek help. I hit STOP here and never made it to Nathalie Portman’s performance. One can only assume that she was the saving grace in this appalling excuse for entertainment. Why else would anyone give this five stars?

PS this is not a joke.

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