Film Reviews by BE

Welcome to BE's film reviews page. BE has written 272 reviews and rated 271 films.

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The Kid Who Would Be King

Not sure why I hired this...........

(Edit) 24/07/2020

From the perspective of a ten year old, I should think this film would be very enjoyable. It appears to have everything that would keep a pre-teenager occupied and attentive. A well trodden storyline but probably quite fresh to younger movie watchers. From the perspective of a more seasoned movie goer - seen it all before!  

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Extremely dull

(Edit) 17/07/2020

This grainy black and white presentation reminded me of the historic French Jaques Tati films but without the humour. Bored and switched off half way though. Had to give one star or I could not submit a review!

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(Edit) 17/07/2020

Couldn’t relate to this Korean film at all.  Not real life as you know it and failed to hold my interest. Fast forwarded it to the end half way through.  It was as I thought but won’t spoil for anybody who wants to watch it.  

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The Mountain Between Us

Very watchable.

(Edit) 30/06/2020

I really enjoyed this movie, which was without the usual too high a tension and unbelievable gimmicks that are usually thrown at us in these scenarios. It was very well acted by both leads. In my opinion, Kate Winslet is one of the best and most natural actresses we have. I had never seen Idris Elba before and was also very impressed. It held my attention throughout and what a treat not to have continuous bad language emitting forth from the cast. Loved the dog as well (although a little bit of licence here with the food issue)!

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Billed as a comedy - really!

(Edit) 14/06/2020

Two stars for effort.  May be something got lost in sizing it down to a television screen but I failed to equate to this Korean movie.  I found it ultimately boring and two hours too long. Watched all the way through to see if would redeem itself and give at least an inkling as to why it won the 2020 Oscar for best film. Nothing apparent 

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One star given so I could write a review!

(Edit) 15/06/2020

Listed as a thriller when it's patently a horror movie. It started off okay then descended into a nightmare farce. Weak storyline, weak dialogue and with some real stomach churning scenes. I have seen drivel but this is Drivel with a capital D. Be warned. Yuk!

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Can You Ever Forgive Me?

Yes, I can forgive you!

(Edit) 06/06/2020

I am not sure this film should be classed as a comedy as it is more morose than funny.  I was also surprised that I felt any empathy with a woman in her middle years undertaking criminal activities to pay her way in life. The perfect acting from Melissa McCarthy and Richard E. Grant defied you not to become emotionally involved with their screen characters.  I doubt this film would have been quite so enjoyable had they not been in it. 

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Mary Poppins Returns

Could do better

(Edit) 04/06/2020

Not unenjoyable although a pastiche of the original and far too long. Some of the songs were quite good but a few of the main characters were miscast. Lin Manuel never really fitted into his role as the lamplighter and Emily Blunt totally lacked any form of charisma. She came across as cold, uncaring and with very little rapport with her charges. Without spoiling anything for those that watch it and I know it wasn’t real, but the balloon scenario at the end really freaked me out. Where are H & S when you need them!!

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No improvement on the original.

(Edit) 29/03/2020

Run of the mill remake of 1941 Dumbo cartoon.  I found the booming sound throughout irritating and the subdued colours didn't do much to enhance my interest. The two young child leads we're rubbish, especially the girl, displaying stiff and wooden acting throughout the movie. 

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If Beale Street Could Talk

No expectation so none to live up to (just as well)!

(Edit) 29/03/2020

Filled with hope to begin with as looked as if I was going to watch a good drama. Nah!  It fizzled out into a languid scenario with very little happening for most of the rest of the film.  That having been said, I did enjoy the laid back acting from the two very much in love, people of colour. Plus, what a lovely change to hear affable dialogue that wasn't peppered with jive talk and four letter words throughout, which appears to be the norm these days. 

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Pain and Glory

No entiendo!

(Edit) 24/03/2020

This film was very hard going for me. I don't speak fluent Spanish and yet again, some bright spark chose to display the white subtitles on the bottom of the actual film. Thus, when the film was of a light hue, it was very difficult to read them. It was a case of keep pausing the film to read what the dialogue was. The continuity of viewing was so disruptive, it spoilt the film. I don't feel I can comment any further apart from adding that Antonio Banderos looked very natural in his role and displayed his excellent acting ability. I was also non-plussed with the ending. 

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The Old Man and the Gun

Me no like

(Edit) 24/03/2020

Am I the only one who didn't like this movie?   I found it dull and boring and kept falling asleep, whilst it was on.   Robert Redford has turned out some excellent movies during his long career as a movie star but, sadly, this wasn't one of them.  As for Cissy Spacek as his fawning lady friend, well, no comment!

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Worth a watch

(Edit) 16/03/2020

Predictable movie as we know the story. The superb acting from Jake Gyllenhaal (Jeff) and Tatania Maslany (girlfriend) was better than the movie and just stopped it from becoming maudlin. His mother ((Miranda Richardson), performed like a voiciferous refugee from the Jeremy Kyle show. I am unsure why Jeff became a hero as people that cope with the severance of limbs (and worse) are manifold - probably because he wrote a book about his experience. I was also baffled as to why he did not undertake counselling for PTSD.  

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The Namesake

Want something different - try this

(Edit) 15/03/2020

An intelligent story relating to the changing dynamics affecting a family growing up in both India and America. Beautifully acted, moving and with some fun elements. Also some very interesting shots taken in India.  Recommended. 

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Ladder 49

A flaming good movie

(Edit) 11/02/2020

A very well made movie which appeared to give a very realistic depiction of the work undertaken by the American fire service. Juaquin Phoenix, as usual, was in tip top form. Along with his more recent film performances, he is proving to be one of America's greatest actors.  His screen wife in Ladder 49 (Jacinda Barrett) gave a lovely, natural performance. Unlike a lot of American female actors, it was quietly crafted and not over the top. 

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