Film Reviews by MB

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A Complete Fabrication - Hard To Take Seriously.

(Edit) 24/10/2017

The film is pure fantasy. It may be asking us to think about the pressures and sacrifices of being the Prime Minister during this period of time but it's simply too inaccurate to take seriously.

The film tries to suggest that Churchill was not made aware of any of the plans for D-Day until a few days before hand! When we know he was involved months if not years before the event. It also paints the Allied High-Command as being ignorant of the German forces on the other side of the channel when in fact our spies and the French Resistance had spent years convincing the German High-Command we were going to land at Calais. The film also conveniently forgets about the role of Bletchley Park in feeding Churchill and the Allied High-Command information about German strength along the coastline.

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Ghost in the Shell

Proper Sci-Fi

(Edit) 18/10/2017

Ignore the poor reviews, it was never meant to be a "live action" version of the 1995 animated film, but a new version with Western audiences in mind.

It's proper sci-fi because it's there to make you think, not worry about who's been cast in the lead role, or comparisons with other sci-fi "universes". Scarlett Johansson is superb in the role btw.

It still captures the essence of the 1995 film in that it's asking questions about what it is to be human and the practicalities and consequences of "enhancement" from the very opening scene.

The score is not as impactful as the 1995 film but otherwise it's very well done and is visually stunning.

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