Film Reviews by AO

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Room 237

Absolute twaddle

(Edit) 04/05/2020

As the previous reviewer states, this is an utterly bizarre documentary. I just don't understand the 4 star rating. This 'documentary' is a sequence of unidentified people narrating increasingly ridiculous associations of scenes in the film and interpreting outlandish meanings to them. I watched this in disbelief for almost an hour, sure that it was just a comedy spoof, but it becomes clear the makers actually believe this stuff. I had to give up after the long sequence of a person interpreting the film as a proof the moon landings were faked (by Stanley Kubrick himself, no less). It might be worth watching to see just how deluded some people actually are, but otherwise it is just scary that there are people out there who could believe things like this. The fact that the various 'meanings' 'divined' frequently contradict each other is ignored.The blurb states this won an award, but the mind boggles what award that could have been....

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