Film Reviews by mb

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Midnight Special

Good premise, tooo loongg

(Edit) 30/05/2018

This seems a cheaper budget movie, but has a good story, a child is kidnapped by his birth father, as a cult the range says 'adopted' him, the tense chase across the states by the authorities and the cult, though the effects were few and far between and it shows how small the budget was. The cast was good notably Kylo Ren actor and I think Kirstin Stuart. It was a solid story that could have been cut by half and hour, worth a try but I would put it on the foward button.

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Great visuals, shame about the script

(Edit) 16/03/2018

This does convey the desperation those soldiers must have felt when stuck at Dunkirk, and the ingenious way Churchill deployed the smaller ships to pick up the soldiers. The visuals are great and can't fault them, but their is no plot per say, I have seen this done in older film in which we serve. They end up being a little dull after a while.

Ok could do better.

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