Film Reviews by JP

Welcome to JP's film reviews page. JP has written 7 reviews and rated 7 films.

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Happy Valley: Series 1

Top class

(Edit) 13/11/2014

Gripping, engaging, superbly acted. The best TV in ages. Oh! for more at this standard.

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12 Years a Slave

Missed opportunity

(Edit) 07/10/2014

Maybe this is a good film for people who have absolutely no clue about history and no ability to imagine pain and suffering. For the rest of us it is often patronising and too focussed on detailed awfulness. I don't need to to see violence and abuse delivered in fine detail in prolonged scenes to get the message. That just depresses me and makes me doubt the motives of the film-makers.

However, the story is powerful and the acting exteremely good.

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American Hustle

Pretty dreadful

(Edit) 07/10/2014

Unrealistic characters in unlikely situations behaving in improbable ways.

Irritating, unpleasant and boring.

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Ender's Game


(Edit) 07/10/2014

Mildly entertaining; but not great. Too cliche'd.

This sentence is here just to get to 100 words as I have nothing else to add.

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All Is Lost

Strangely gripping

(Edit) 07/10/2014

Brilliantly conceived and executed. So unusual. You could pick holes in it; but in essence it was absorbing and fascinating without being particularly exciting. Acid test: not a great deal seemed to happen; but it was over before you knew it.

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Saving Mr. Banks

Give it a miss

(Edit) 11/09/2014

Yes, the acting is good and the production quality high; but the film is in limbo between portraying real events believably and delivering amusing fantasy. Characters are caricatured and it's over-sentimental. Disappointing Hollywood dross.

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House of Cards: Series 1

Excellent TV

(Edit) 11/09/2014

Doesn't have the overall brilliance of the British original; but is excellent none the less.

This sentence is just to get me to 100 chars.

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