Film Reviews by MT

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Darkest Hour

Great acting but went horribly wrong

(Edit) 30/04/2019

This started well, the acting is very good and the plot was interesting. However the fictional scene on the underground was so clunky and ridiculous it actually made me cringe. That really for me ruined the whole rest of the film such a shame.

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Crazy Rich Asians


(Edit) 16/04/2019

We sat down with high expectations of a good evenings entertainment. Sadly we were mistaken, the film was so dreadful that we only managed to watch 40 minutes before switching it off. The characters were paint by numbers not to mention very irritating - we were not impressed by all the money and obvious product placements. The plot was of a million other similar movies just nowhere near as good.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Unwatchable drivel

(Edit) 31/08/2018

I came into this film with minimal expectations given the other recent movies. I am afraid I switched off after 45 minutes af clunky dialog, poor effects and several scenes that needed editing out. The main actors all appear to have been chosen to be so poor as to not make each other look worse. Even jar jar binks has more screen presence. The hope has certainly been lost.

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