Film Reviews by SC

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King Crimson: In the Court of the Crimson King

Robert Fripp Ego

(Edit) 29/06/2023


Robert Fripp anthology but then he controls the band

More music would have leavended this unsatisfactory film.

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Riders of Justice

Joesy Wales

(Edit) 15/06/2022

The Outlaw Joesy Wales set in modern day Denmark. And it works - highly entertaining.

A mix of comedy, drama and tragedy where a motley group comes together to counter an armed gang.

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The Last Duel


(Edit) 12/02/2022

Pretty with no story, no characters and illogical jumps between locations. We gave up after 30 minutes and have watched many 2hr+ films

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Mystery Road

Start with the TV Series

(Edit) 25/04/2021

As an avid watcher of the two TV series and the second film Goldstone, I was looking forward to this. This is an outback story framed as a Western and it works if you like westerns.

This film was disappointing despite the gorgeous visuals as possibly the slowest film I’ve seen in the last 10 years. 

My advice would be to start with the TV series  - they are a great watch. Or go to the second film if time is short.

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A Million Ways to Die in the West

Not for people who like Westerns

(Edit) 08/07/2018

Seth MacFarlane directs, produces, co-writes and plays the role of the cowardly sheep farmer Albert - so zero quality control.

Stopped watching after 15 minutes of sweary attempts at 21st century jokes set in a 19th century setting. It just doesn't work

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Kingdom of Heaven

Stick with the Original

(Edit) 10/03/2018

Having loved the original, we watched this to see new scenes and possibly a different take on the story. The majority of the extra footage is added to the first third of the story and surprisingly little in the last third.

Unfortunately, the additional scenes render the story line a dis-organised rambling cacophony, detracting from what was a great film to begin with.

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