Film Reviews by Steve

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Mysterious Skin

Intelligent melodrama.

(Edit) 23/09/2014

Dreamlike and surreal account of two boys whose lives are devastated, in different ways, by a forgotten episode from their schooldays. A charismatic star turn from Joseph Gordon Levitt powers this one. Sensitive, touching and imaginative handling by the director of an difficult subject.

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Infernal Affairs 1

Above average HK Crime.

(Edit) 23/09/2014

Schematic but tense and quite sad story of alienation involving a cop who goes undercover in the mob and the gang mole who infiltrates the police. Strong performances by Tony Leung and Andy Lau as the two men living a decade out in the cold. One of the better gangster film of the century.

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Super Size Me


(Edit) 23/09/2014

Owes a lot to Michael Moore's one man documentary machine, but arguably makes a stronger impression. Spurlock lives off MacDonalds and monitors his physical and emotional decline. One of a number of small scale documentaries to take on the corporations, to negligible effect it must be said. But a persuasive and absorbing argument.

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The Man Who Fell to Earth

Unusual sci fi.

(Edit) 07/10/2013

Bowie looks fantastic as the alien corrupted by an invasive humanness. Though in acting terms he is outclassed by the supporting cast. Beautiful photography, and Bowie is brilliantly cast, his awkward, remote strangeness are huge positives. And Roeg was a great director in this decade. A little long, and most of the best scenes are in the first half.

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The Edge of the World

Understated, beautiful early Powell.

(Edit) 07/10/2013

The Edge of the World is about the evacuation of a Shetland Island, which has become too isolated to be inhabitable. The story was based on the evacuation of St Kilda, but Powell's film was made on Fouda.

The shoot for the film was arduous, being in such a remote place, and before air travel there was feasible. The cast and crew had to spend most of a year living on the island because it was so difficult to commute. This story is told in Powell's seventies documentary, Return to the Edge of the World.

It reminds me of the extremes Werner Herzog went to in his seventies and eighties films to capture something difficult and elusive. I wouldn't recommend it as the most entertaining of Powell's films. But it is very stark and beautiful, and probably unique. Certainly a must see for those interested in the brilliant Powell, and the history of the islands. Not so much for others

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Middle Ranking Western.

(Edit) 07/10/2013

Lancaster, Ryan and Cobb says you gotta watch this one. Michael Winner suggests otherwise. Very dense with dialogue, though the dialogue is decent, but not a lot of action. Very fine period costumes and sets. Worth seeing for the stars and a good support cast.

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Chic, superficial thriller.

(Edit) 07/10/2013

Sophisticated Euro-caper in the Hitchcock style, of the sort that became popular post Topkapi. Great stars make this fun, if unexceptional.

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Violent Playground

Low Budget Social Realism.

(Edit) 07/10/2013

Sort of a British response to The Blackboard Jungle, set in the high rise slums of fifties Liverpool. David McCallum is a juvenile delinquent, and his gang of psycho-toughs features Freddie Starr and Melvyn Hayes (Gloria from It Ain't Half Hot Mum!). I mainly watched it for Stanley Baker's cop in pursuit of an arsonist. It is a solid film until the last twenty minutes, a shoot out in a school, which is excruciating rather than prophetic.

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Searching for Sugar Man

A Sweet Story.

(Edit) 08/05/2013

A singer-songwriter's music career in America ends in failure and he goes on to live a humble, but still unusual life on the mean streets of Chicago... Half a world away in South Africa, his songs live a life of their own, touching many people, and become tangled up in the protest against apartheid.

That set up is pure Frank Capra! This is a wonderful, inspiring and moving documentary, which delivers a pay off of quite delicious sentimentality. A remarkable story.

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Daughters of Darkness

Kitsch but fun Euro-horror.

(Edit) 18/12/2012

Sort of a Hammer art film, but Belgian. Slow, but engrossing. Trashy, but stylish. And sexy too. Namechecks the Elizabeth Bathory legend used in Countess Dracula.

The naked female vampire has bikini marks. But it's nice to know.

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The Sandpiper

Very sixties. Very beautiful.

(Edit) 18/12/2012

An endearing and dated look at hippy sensibility v establishment, and sixties sexual issues set on the beautiful Californian Big Sur. Burton and Taylor too old, but still very good.

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Juno and the Paycock

Warning to completionists.

(Edit) 18/12/2012

Critics recently voted Hitch's Vertigo the best ever film. Maybe Hitch would be in with a shout for the worst as well, with this tortuous early sound film about an Irish family which spends an inheritance they mistakenly think is coming their way.

I watched this film merely to tick off the final Hitch.

Having done so, I want to warn others in my position, don't do it. Juno and the Paycock is a waste of your time, do something else. Paint the fence. Just don't watch this one. Even to complete the set.

The acting, the camera work, the patronising, tedious and contrived story...there are no positives.

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The Bed Sitting Room

Desperate Stuff.

(Edit) 18/12/2012

Richard Lester directed some good films. But I think this isn't one of them. I like gloomy depressing films more than most. But not necessarily ones that feature Pete & Dud, Spike Milligan, Roy Kinnear, Arthur Lowe, Harry Secombe and Jimmy Edwards. It doesn't sap away any hope and optimism left in your tired soul because it's a black comedy about a post nuclear future. It kills your spirit because it is so badly written, unfunny and pointless.

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Myra Breckinridge

Disastrous version of Gore Vidal novel.

(Edit) 18/12/2012

Raquel Welch plays a post op sex change, who goes to Hollywood for extended picaresque encounters with trippy seventies weirdos with stupid names.

The only plus point of this sad film is the central appearance of seventies uber-sexbomb, Raquel Welch. But even that pleasure is destroyed by the pitiful appearance of a 75 year old Mae West, as a kind of living waxwork version of her former persona, delivering depressing double entendres to, among others, a pre 'tache Tom Selleck.

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Ruby Gentry

Jennifer does look nice, but...

(Edit) 18/12/2012

A beautiful woman has caused the downfall of many virtuous men. And while I wouldn't say Jennifer Jones exactly led me to the land of the rising sun, her magnificence did entice me to watch this awful soap noir that really should have been better.

Made by great Hollywood director King Vidor, with a brilliant cast, this tedious and absurd backwoods melodrama fails where so many others have: in trying for the exotic Southern poetry of Tennessee Williams, it only managed to be long winded, shrill and fatuous.

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