Film Reviews by as

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Somewhat baffling

(Edit) 04/02/2020

It was always going to be a hard act to follow up the exceptional 'Son of Saul'. Whilst beautifully filmed with some lovely contrast scenes between the light and dark. I am afraid that the film, starts off with a story, it then looks like the rest was patched up as it went along which leave the viewer or me anyway, completely baffled as to were it was going and sadly before the end not caring.

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Appalling mumbling

(Edit) 30/01/2020

We gave up on the film, as the main character appeared to have marbles in his mouth, rendering him almost impossible to understand.

As there were no subtitles, it was difficult to follow the plot.

It seems to be the way now that some actors seem to mumble their parts, sadly making them all but impossible to understand.

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