Film Reviews by PN

Welcome to PN's film reviews page. PN has written 34 reviews and rated 417 films.

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The Snowman and the Snowdog

Christmas Legend

(Edit) 30/05/2018

I used to own this on video tape, it's long died and been thrown out. I would be about 5 when I remember seeing this and every christmas sitting glued to the screen watching and wondering what if a Snowman could become real. The song, the animation, the story, everything about this film deserves to live on and in Blu Ray quality it was absolutely incredible to have this animation come to life even better than it did 25+ years ago. This is definitely a nice family Christmas story, it's short but theres a reason why every christmas the Snowman as ornaments, sweers etc is still to be found in shops.

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Planet Dinosaur


(Edit) 22/03/2018

For the first time I felt like I truly got a grasp of what it would be like to just wander around millions of years ago and how incredibly close these times were to the hunter predator life cycle of today, just everything was bigger. Some of the computer graphics although not flawless, were so good I could just immerse myself in what the show was trying to educate the viewer on and not feel like I'm irritated by poor animation. Only thing missing was David Attenborough narrating it! This is great for Dinosaur lovers, plenty to absorb from this.

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Two Doors Down: Series 1

A Hidden Gem

(Edit) 22/03/2018

This show has been out for years, I had never once heard of it until hogmanay 2017 and I loved it, the earlier series were hilarious and if you love awkward comedy, and scottish humour this is one of the best out right now. The characters are relatable, show offs, drunks, the always ill and the jokes are great. Definitely rent this.

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How Britain Worked

Absolutely Fascinating

(Edit) 22/03/2018

This was my first Guy Martin show that I'd seen, I found him incredibly enthusiastic about everything he was explaining. The series picks some industrial gems that helped forge Britain's place in the world, from the Steam Engine to Mills, Fishing Trawlers to Victorian Botanical Gardens.

Guy goes into great detail, helped with diagrams and wonderful explanations about the nitty gritty of things. He has a love for 'graft' and you learn a lot of interesting facts about the workers of the time. I recommend this highly, one of the best mechanical documentaries I've seen in a long time.

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