Film Reviews by LG

Welcome to LG's film reviews page. LG has written 4 reviews and rated 11 films.

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The Legend of the Holy Drinker


(Edit) 31/08/2024

This should have been a winner...Olmi, Hauer and Roth. A cracking combination one would think.

Dreadful score, bland cinematography and glacial pacing (which isn't a feature that I usually dislike as I'm a fan of the films of Bela Tarr!) Just an uneasy blend of 'bland'.

It felt a little like a desultory episode of Tales Of The Unexpected - when that once superb series hit the tail end of its run and puffed out of steam.

I'm so disappointed. I usually love Olmi.

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Talk to Me

Dull and formulaic

(Edit) 09/08/2024

Lacks momentum with a cast of characters for which it is difficult to feel empathy. Not terribly original in terms of plot or special effects. I gave up half way through as I lost interest. Boring and formulaic.

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Slow but deadly

(Edit) 25/07/2024

The disintegration of a marriage. The house is a superb and beautifully appointed prison.

Based on a story by Joseph Conrad.

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Wicked Little Letters

Slight little film

(Edit) 10/06/2024

There is some top-notch swearing that puts me in mind of the quality of epithets from the The Thick Of It (if that programme was set in a wee rural town rather than Westminster.) A few laugh out loud moments of hilarity mainly in seeing Olivia Colman curse like a demon. The whole movie is rather slight though and the dialogue is pedestrian. Some great British actors bouy it up and it isn't a long film.

The fact behind this fiction might be a bit more interesting.

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