Film Reviews by HW

Welcome to HW's film reviews page. HW has written 2 reviews and rated 7 films.

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(Edit) 24/05/2017

The first scenario involved a female police officer interviewing a little girl about the nature of the abuse her father had subjected her to. The realisation that the parents of the child actor had allowed her to take part, describing in ever increasing details where her abuser had touched her was very, very shocking. What were the parents motives? The child actor herself, although very convincing, presumably had no say in the matter. She didn't drive herself to the studio, agree terms or sign a contract did she? It was child exploitation pure and simple. I did not watch any more and suggest that no else does either.

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(Edit) 07/01/2016

This was a very sophisticated, well acted and directed thriller, spoilt by one glaring error of practicality. The character of Aliena/Ida seemed to travel around Europe with no travel documents. I could believe this was possible when she was escaping from the thugs by car with her brother from the Netherlands to France. However, I do not think she would have been able to board the bus from Monpellier to Copenhagen without a passport or ID card, neither of which she had. A plea to directors/writers: please do not insult the intelligence of your viewers!

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