Welcome to CW's film reviews page. CW has written 128 reviews and rated 166 films.
Cinema Paradiso Synopsis gives an excellent summation of Shoah. I saw it years ago when it was released. If I remember correctly it was shown over either 2 or 3 nights at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. Many years later I still remembered some of the shocking statements from the interviews. There are many interviews with survivors of the concentration camps and even from 2 men who actually survived a death camp. They had been shot but played dead. There are interviews and recordings of camp guards, commandants. people who lived and worked near the camps train workers and Nazi government officials. Some of the interviews and recordings were done in secret using hidden cameras and microphones. The director put himself in danger to capture the film and recordings. I wanted to see Shoah again and feel fortunate to have been able to get the 4 dvds from Cinema Paradiso so that I could also limit watching to no more than an hour at a time. It is excruciating to listen. It made me often want to weep. I had to walk away to process the information. The interviewers had to supress any emotion or anger when interviewing the guards etc. so that they would keep talking. There is no historic footage. This is such an important documentary I really think that it should be required watching to be shown in schools. To preserve the facts, the history of what happened to the victims and survivors, the director insists that they tell their stories even when they can hardly continue they are so overcome with the memory of the horror. It hurt to watch it but I am so glad I was able to see it again.
Great story, homage to old crime film noir but better. Excellent casting, acting and script. I was glad to see it again. Much of the story deals with L.A. police corruption and framing young blacks for crimes. Familiar to news reports today. Gripping scenes, sometimes I gasped out loud. Brutal , violent, compelling. Rarely do really wonderful movies of this calibre come out of the US today. It was nominated for a long list of awards.
This could have been edited down to about 15 minutes. I do agree that having a positive attitude about health, healing, daily life is important. The “truth”, the “secret” is rather thin and conjecture is presented as fact.
I had read and enjoyed Charles Baxter’s book Feast of Love so decided to watch the movie. Parts of the book are missing from the movie which is too bad, but still I felt that the movie tried to remain true to the essence of the story. Actually at times I thought wait I have seen this before but instead it was because to me it was well cast and the scenes played out in my head as they did in reading the book. The themes are , acceptance, forgiveness, compassion and the power of love. Schmaltzy perhaps but a sweet uncomplicated movie and I enjoyed it. Good sorbet.
In this documentary you get to see and hear complete songs from a number of concerts during Edith Piaf’s stage career. I already was familiar with some of the songs but it was marvellous watching all of them. Her voice was good but her delivery and stage presence were absolutely extraordinary. Excellent documentary.
Years ago I saw Truly Madly Deeply when it was at the cinema. I sat there spellbound. To me this is an absolutely perfect movie. Since then I have seen it several more times. This time as I watched, I reversed to see certain scenes again. Juliet stevenson’s (Nina) acting in the scene in the therapist’s office is as good as it gets. My gosh she is extraordinary. She is sobbing uncontrollably, unable to recover, to move on after the death of her boyfriend/lover/best friend. This is so not Hollywood. She doesn’t look glamorous with perfect makeup, the tears go on and on, her face is a mess, she is wiping her eyes with her hands. I am not describing this well, it has to be seen. In the extras, the interview with director/author, I learned that this and almost all of the scenes were done in one take. There are absurdly funny scenes, poignant ones, passion, beauty. The movie is about love, friendship, kindness, forgiveness, acceptance. If I cried in movies, there are scenes here that would make me ob and there are scenes that still make me burst out laughing such as when Nina has 7 dead men playing music and watching old movies on her DVD player. I recommend this movie 100%. Fabulous story, acting, directing, casting (the sublime Alan Rickman). A must see.
The escape from a high security German prisoner of war camp is almost too extraordinary to believe but it is a true story. I can understand how difficult it would be to translate this story to a movie. For me, the movie just didn’t capture the real events. The prison camp seemed like a school for wayward boys. The security was lax, the guards inept, the freedoms granted to the prisoners unbelievable. It seemed as if the movie was just to showcase Steve McQueen’s talent and skill at riding a motorcycle. I did enjoy knowing that he did all of the stunts himself. This is purely my opinion, many probably find this a great movie but I just didn’t buy it. I watched most of it on fast forward.
This documentary was 7 years in the making to obtain all of the interviews, gather news footage, investigate reports from FBI and public records. I learned a great deal about the Panthers including the fact that they started and ran a program to provide free breakfasts for hundreds of children each morning before school. Half of the members were women. You see the evil vile J Edgar Hoover gleefully plotting against the Panthers. You see short home movies and TV coverage of police brutality and harassment. It is all heartbreaking and important. Some of the Panthers are still in prison. Sadly much of what you see could be happening today. The interview with director and former member of Panthers briefly address the rise of black on black murders. You see that the party was filled with young people and ex Vietnam vets. I highly recommend.
The story is partly based on true story of 2 estranged brothers who were sheepherders in a small remote village in Iceland. It was filmed with a very limited budget and produced a much richer and important lim that most ridiculously expensive schlock coming out of Hollywood. This is a sad and distressing movie about determination, hard work, pride, redemption and love. A movie to think about for a long time afterwards. There are some funny moments but it is a serious drama. Curious short story film called Wrestling included with the extras.
This is early Hal Hartley. Very simple story but you can tell that director had potential. All the actors seemed as though they had fun making the movie. Interesting interview with him on special features. I got The Unbelievable Truth because I thought a later movie of hisThe Book of Life, was astonishing. I like that his movies just sort of drift off without happily ever after or ending with everything tied up.
I saw this many years ago at the Houston Museum of Art. The concept of the film really affected me and walking out after the film I felt shaky afterwards. I had been invited to a party and went there after I left the movie. I was still so immersed in the story that I couldn’t really couldn’t speak nor listen to anyone. I felt so removed. I have rented it since then and still find the ideas presented profound. Jesus is on Earth with the command to end the world. An ancient Egyptian laptop called the book of life is Revelation.
I have rented it since then and still find the ideas presented profound. He so falls in love with people that he disobeys God. He loves mankind. There are scenes in a bar where Jesus and the devil are trying to win souls.
This is a light hearted feel good romantic comedy. It is sort of an Italian American fairy story. Cher is absolutely gorgeous and is a very good actress. It seemed as if all of the actors had fun with their roles.Nicolas Cage I think has only had too good parts - his brilliant performance in Leaving Las Vegas and here as wild younger brother. Woman accepts marriage proposal from her nice safe boyfriend. They are more friends than lovers. She meets boyfriend’s younger brother, has fling, goes to opera for first time, falls madly in love and all ends well. Happily ever after for the whole extended family.
Finally! A great US production sorbet movie. I wanted something light in between heavy fare. A friend recommended this one. The movie succeeds. It is not trying to be a serious drama. This is a light hearted delight. Casting is excellent. Lovely Nia Vardalos just nails her role as Maggie, a super protective she wolf of a mother. Over the top as intended yet we know the type, the loving hovering mother who would chew off her own leg to save her child. Jason Dolly plays Lloyd, a shy 17 year old who loves but can be smothered by his mother who tries to micro manage his life. Mark Boone Junior plays an old rocker dad who adores his son. Maggie learns about a scholarship for gays so she forces the issue, just deciding that Lloyd is gay. It all ends up happily ever after when the scholarship committee of one is impressed with Lloyd’s honesty when he says he is a virgin and just isn’t ready to decide if he is gay or straight. He qualifies as undecided or maybe bisexual. Most of the students at the school don’t care whether Lloyd is gay or straight and he has good friends.
I also liked that the movie was directed and produced by a woman, the very talented Salome’ Breziner. .
All the funny bits are in the trailer. Disappointing and lame. I had hoped this would be light fluffy entertainment, a bit of sorbet in between heavy fare but after no more than 20 minutes I didn’t even bother to continue on fast forward. Movies are expensive so how this got funding I have no idea.
I totally agree with the review by RD. I must have chosen this film because of Al Pacino and Holly Hunter and kept watching assuming that their stories would be developed. Pacino plays an likeable character and Holly Hunter is not given the chance to display what a fine actress she is. The movie tries to be important but it is not.