Welcome to SH's film reviews page. SH has written 43 reviews and rated 73 films.
Honestly, wasn't expecting much from this movie but i was pleasantly surprised by the storyline, comedy and acting. Jim C is the ideal comedy villain! James M is a likable lead "human" character and interacts well with Sonic in a fun and emotional way. Personally I'd recast his wife, her acting was lacking any sort of depth or emotion and for a non serious movie was very amature.
Overall an enjoyable and surprisingly good watch
I think Cinema Paradiso need to sack their reviewer for giving this 5 stars. The only thing 5 star about this movie is the cast list. This is probably one of the most pointless movies I've ever seen. I would not recommend watching this movie at all!
Yet another AWFUL DC movie. Not sure how they managed to make so many bad movies and still keep getting it wrong.
Shocking cast, woeful storyline, poor cgi, pointless plot and characters... the list is endless. Only good point was Superman's 5 second cameo appearance at the end.
To sum it us, it's so bad it actually makes you watch it to see how much worse it can get! DCU... graveyard of a actors careers lol
I think the thing that surprised me most about this movie is the really REALLY unenthusiastic performances by the entire cast. Many scenes, esp with Sam Neill felt awkward, none of the actors appeared to want to be there and that made the whole movie a struggle to watch from the start.
In addition, the storyline was wear, there were no unexpected plot twists, and there was mote of a focus on the non dinosaur elements than the actual dinosaurs! Worst of all, we had the now standard fight scene with the T-Rex where obv he wins against the odds and raws at the end...
Based on this I really hope they don't make anymore. Just feels like their cashing in on the brand now. Let it rest in peace.
P.S. its a really baaaaaaad movie.
It's a good show with strong characters and well produced but my big question is why base an entire series around an extra galactic race you don't get to see until the final episodes when there is literally SOOO much preexisting content in the ST universe that's begging to be explored.
Appreciate Disco is set waaaay in the future but surely there are bigger storylines to explore... the mycelium networks... rebuilding the federation... reintroduce us to who's still around that far in the future etc etc... Series 4 feels more like a spin off than a continuation of the story unfortunately.
So to sum it up, it's an amazing movie. So good I watched it 3 times while I had the dvd on rental.
I was dubious at best when I first heard Pattinson was cast for the role but pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. A dark moody hurting performance which is well matched by the performance of the rest of the cast. Good story. Excellent casting. Great chase scene.
Honestly I hope this is the first of many Batman movies with Pattinson in the role. I just pray DC and Warner don't ruin it like they do with so so sooo many other DC movies.
Watched this on Disney. Possibly one of the worst movies ever made. Do not spend money to watch this! If this is a sign of how the next phase of the MCU is going, God help us all
If your of a certain age and remember the original matrix being released you'll get a nostalgic whiff from M4 but apart from that the movie has little to offer. The original movie was groundbreaking. This is just the movie studio cashing in on past glories.
I get the feeling if you watch this WITH the upcoming extra parts it'll be better but watching this as a stand alone movie it is a bit underwhelming. It looks good, it's acted good but lacks any real umph. Hoping part 2 brings more grit to the movie.
So I wanted this movie to be great. A spectacular send off for Daniel Craig, and towards the end it is. But you need to get through the 1st 60 to 90 mins to get to the better stuff.
Rami Malek is an irrelevance in this movie. A shoehorned character with no real menace. The mad scientist is pure classic Bond but worse.
The female "007" is a fail from her 1st scene. Hopefully the next 007 will be back to business as normal when they recast. Fingers crossed for a darker more menacing Bond to give the brand a new edge.
Overall, if you can get through the 1st half of the movie you'll enjoy the end, maybe even shed a tear.
Words can't describe how jaw droppingly bad this movie is. It's a career ender for those involved except Idris Elda who is the only one to come out of this with credit.
Nope to DC comics... stop making movies! Your ruining your brand.
This movie is just rubbish. It's not the movies we loved at the start of the franchise with lots of cars and street racing. It's just an bloated cgi mish mash of events edited into a movie.
Not worth my time.
So this is not your usual super cgi action packed Marvel movie. This is for me, a back story movie designed to tell us more about the history of 1 character. And whilst the idea is good, I feel the execution is poor. And here's why.
1) no strong villan characters. You get the idea of the sinister plot but there's no real darkness or depth to the villains. Ray Winston was out of his league here. The role needed a more heavy hitting actor. It felt a bit GI Joe rather than Marvel.
2) The movie wasn't dark enough. This was the ideal chance for Marvel to do a real gritty dark back story but instead we got only a slight insight into their past trauma. It needed to be more like Red Sparrow. If they'd gone more down these lines I think the movie and characters would have had more depth.
3) watched this on Disney+ and there is an annoying lag to the images. Just a slight delay which is annoying. Never have this problem on Netflix or Amazon. Disney need to invest more in their platform if they want to give a true home cinema experience.
The one surprisingly positive out of this movie was Yelena (Florence Pugh) who for me stole the movie. Without her in this movie it would have been a much worse experience and for me, her presence alone makes the film worth watching. If there's a sequel she needs to be in it.
Overall worth watching. Just don't expect to much.
No need to write a review. Simple one of the best movies I've watched in years! Watch it, enjoy it, love it.
So I'm writing this review after watching disc 1. Yes, you heard me right, disc one. And I'll be honest, I'm underwhelmed. If you think your going to be seeing a totally different movie, you'll be disappointed. Its basically the original movie just longer and not in a good way. There are some new, tiny elements that are good additions to the film but after over two hours you end up with 2 feelings. One, I've seen this before. Two, do I really have to watch another disc.
I'll add an additional review tomorrow after watching disc 2... if I have the will!