Welcome to SH's film reviews page. SH has written 43 reviews and rated 73 films.
So just to get it out there, it's not as good as the first movie. It's a bit of a lukewarm rehash of leftovers with a few new ingredients chucked in.
Pros - As it's similar to the original you'll like it because its a Mecha genre movie with Godzilla overtones. Also the acting of Cailee Spaeny is a particular highlight and her interaction with the other cast members.
Cons - It's not a huge leap from the first movie, more of a stop gap to a presumed Pacific Rim 3. The storyline is a bit weak with no real surpises or depth.
Worth a watch but hoping number 3 is a step up
Was quite looking forward to watching this but not sure i ever got over the opening scenes with a very odd Poirot played by Kenneth Branagh. He's slightly odd interpretation and appearance spoil what is a half decent movie. It's a good movie to kill some time but won't have you in suspense which is the whole point of a Poirot classic. Hopefully Death on the Nile will help the franchise grow into something more.
So, never read the book, never seen the original movie so this was my first experience of IT. And it's not a positive experience.
Plot is basic and predictable, it's a bit boring and slow & it's not scary at all. Only redeeming feature is Sophia Lillis acting which is why it gets 2 stars rather than 1.
Great movie! It's not a reboot, it's just a new MIB movie. Great casting, great comedy, good story. Really gives you that nostalgic feel about the original movies. Love the little Steve alien as well, a great comedy foil for the human cast.
Could have done with a tad more action but you will definitely not be disappointed with this movie.
So i'd heard good things about this movie and i have to say it was a surprise. It's a very unique style of film. Quirky, strange, funny, rude, intriguing. You'll be a bit confused to start with but bear with it and you'll get into it. Won't be for everyone but definitely worth a watch if you like something a bit off piste.
To be honest, not sure why this movie was made. Nothing exciting really happens, the story line is slow, the acting is average at best and some of the CGI is very poor. It's a poor continuation from Prometheus adding very little to the story or to the Alien franchise. You won't feel like you've missed out on anything after watching this.
Long gone are the days of the classic Star Wars movies. The brand is now a cash cow for Disney who mass produce various spin offs with no real benefit to the overall Star Wars story. I was hoping the story of Hans Solo would be different as it's a big story for a big, legendary character and in part this film works but it's not the film the character deserves.
Solo is a rogue, a cheeky chap, a skallywag and that's not shown enough in this movie. It's a good story, it ticks the "background" boxes telling us who he was, where he came from but it just lacks any umph, probably because Disney has to sell this to the kiddy market, not the adult market and that's the problem with the new spin off movies. Their too nice, to clean, to polished. They need to be rougher, darker. A bit like the new Batman or Bond movies. Disney need to stick to making princess and fairytails, not action adventure movies.
Overall the acting is good, it's a good story, it keeps you entertained but you're left wanting more. More action, more suspense, more drama. There's no epic scenes, no cliffhangers. It's just a movie. You'll watch it, feel like you know a bit more of the background and that's it.
So to give you some context, i LOVED the first movie. Absolutely LOVED it. Was extremely excited to watch Deadpool 2 and had such high high hopes. Unfortunately it doesn't quite hit the mark. The movie itself is good but it's over cooked. To many ingredients have spoilt the meal as it where.
What made the first movie so good was that it was 90% DEADPOOL, 10% other people. Where as the sequel introduced a lot of new characters, which distracted from Deadpool's screen time and diluted his impact on the movie. And the bits Deadpool are in are, if anything too understated. It wasn't brash enough, self deprecating enough, rude enough. Also by incorporating the whole X-Men thing into Deadpool more and more is weakening the movie. X-Men is a dying franchise and Deadpool is arguably one of the best and they are at risk of killing one to try save the other.
I totally get what they've tried to do with the movie, expand the story, bring in more dynamics to the story line and in doing so they've taken away from what made the original so good which is gutting. IF there is a third, there needs to be a realignment of the dynamic. Deadpool(Ryan Reynolds) is what makes the movie. Give us more of what we want and less of the padding.
Was hoping this would be a rejuvenating movies, something to bring a bit of life back into the aging franchise. Flassy title, good trailers, young cast. Unfortunately it's just another instalment of the franchise. After a while i started to lose interest, flicking on my phone and soon got to the point where i could have been watching any X-Men movie, they all just blur into the same old thing now. There's nothing that makes this movie stand out. There's no real long term story plan. The acting is OK. That's about it. After watching this you'll feel like you've ticked another one off the X-Men list, not that you've watched a movie that's part of a bigger story.
I think part of the problem is there are so many characters that do so little. To much padding, not enough substance. If they'd streamlined the major characters, focused more on the story and made it darker it would have been a much better movie. It's to nice, it's to Disney. It lacks any real depth or drama.
I'm sure some people will love this movie but for someone who's watched all the many many many X-Men movies it feels like the franchise is on life support now. Please, someone pull the plug!
So i saw the trailers for this a while back and was desperate to see this movie and finally i have. I love the twisted violence and the mentality of Jack. I wanted this to be a new Psycho. Unfortunately the film under delivers. It's broken down into several stories that make up the development of Jack but there's no real connectivity between them. It's more like a movie of short stories rather than a developing single story which makes the film feel a bit disjointed. The scenes for the first two thirds of the movie are good in the sense of exploring how he kills his victims but there's a real lack of depth when it comes to how these acts have come about. No real back story, no information about how Jack became Jack, just a few snippets and after a while you start to feel like you can watch the movie without watching it.
At the end, it just gets weird. No spoilers but i got completely lost and so did my housemate who watched it with me and went off to do some washing up instead of watching. Your left with a confused ending and even writing this now i don't really know how to summarise how it ends. There's no conclusion which makes you feel like you've wasted your time.
I will say the sound track suits the movie perfectly! But this is one of those movies where the trailer promises much and the movie under delivers which is a shame. I really wanted this to be an epic, unfortunately it's an art house extravagance that under delivers
So i was hoping the third instalment of John Wick would move the franchise on to a new level but unfortunately it doesn't. It's very much a tired rehash of the first two instalments. Nothing new or original happens, a few new characters but that's it. There are many many scenes where many many many baddies are shooting automatic weapons at John Wick and not a single bullet hits him. Either these people have been extremely poorly trained at shooting or John Wick really is still in the Matrix! Your left with a sense of deja vu which is not good for a new movie.
The movie leaves you with a sense there will be a 4th instalment but you'll be left with the sense that you'll watch it because you have to rather than because you want to.
So, it's a hard one to describe how i feel about this movie. Whilst there's nothing bad about the movie, it doesn't have that POW factor i was hoping for. The casting is good, the acting is good, the cinematography is good, there's just no umph, even at the end when the plot comes to it's climax. If anything it's a bit to Russian. A bit too flat-line yet at the same time it's not a movie where you loose interest or start playing on your phone half way through.
It's definitely worth watching but don't expect to be on the edge of your seat. The story line will keep you guessing and there is suspense, just lacks that real WOW moment at the end. I suppose the best way to sum it up is as a poor mans Bridge of Spies.
Really wanted Venon to be good, really good. Was so excited when this was sent to me. But such a let down.
The main problem is the movies identity. There's not enough action or big scenes to make it an action movie. And there's not enough comedy to make it a Deadpool-esque movie. As a result it lacked any real impact and became lost.
On paper, this movies should have been great. Venon + Hardy should have been a great combo but they were let down by poor direction and the director needs to take the blame for the poor results and is probably why Ruben Fleischer has been replaced by Andy Serkis (lets hope Gollum can be the hero!).
Hopefully Venom 2 with bigger names and hopefully a bigger budget should be the movies the first instalment was meant to be, we can only hope as there's a potential for Venon to have many good crossover movies in the MCU. We can only hope.