Film Reviews by GF

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Excellent groundbreaking cinema

(Edit) 02/07/2014

The first feature length film to be made in Saudi Arabia, this is a remarkable film not just for that, but for the fact that it was directed by a woman in a country where female presence in almost all walks of life is illegal.

Ostensibley a coming of age story about a schoolgirl who wants to ride a bike ( which is taboo there), it deals with subjects much deeper and sometimes darker.

However this is far from a depressing film - it is uplifting, often funny, sometimes moving, and certainly never dull.

One of last year's great films and certainly one of its' most unique and courageous.

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The Way, Way Back


(Edit) 31/03/2014

Funny and sometimes emotional coming of age comedy, features an awdward teenage boy who finds himself dragged to a beach house for the summer with his Mother, her ghastly new boyfiriend and his equally unpleasant daugher.

He finds a bicycle and cycles around the town during the long days to escape his family situation and discovers a nearby water amusement park where he is befriended by the Manager, (Sam Rockwell) who takes him under his wing.

If you liked last year's The Kings of Summer, you will find this to be the perfect companion piece as they have much in common.

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