Film Reviews by TB

Welcome to TB's film reviews page. TB has written 144 reviews and rated 287 films.

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Colourful Disney

(Edit) 13/09/2017

A very colourful film with a simple storyline that hasn't been overcomplicated and doesn't contain the usual love story or music riddled interludes that have been the case of late (I.e. Frozen). An average film overall but the colours and setting make it a worthwhile watch.

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Dark and sad

(Edit) 13/09/2017

This film is a raw depictation of the dark and sick world of prostitution and how young and vulnerable children are getting caught up in this twisted world. The film caught have been shorter and would've had the same dramatic impact.

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Beautiful and upsetting masterpiece

(Edit) 10/09/2017

This is a beautiful and very sad coming of age film with the two lead actors putting in believable and emotional performances that really strike at your heartstrings. A real masterpiece of a film that left me in tears.

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Head On

Not worth bothering with

(Edit) 06/09/2017

So many better LGBT movies out there and ones with better storylines and emotion to them. Just 1hr 40mins of a selfish guy with no respect for himself, his family, his friends or anyone he comes in contact with!

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Stunning performance by McAvoy

(Edit) 04/09/2017

An absolutely stunning performance by James McAvoy in a deeply disturbing and tense thriller. Superb film ????

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Nil by Mouth

Winstone and Burke at their best

(Edit) 30/08/2017

This film is tough to watch in places (violence and drugs use) but despite it being a 7 out of 10 film, both Ray Winstone and Kathy Burke put in sensational performances.

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The Machinist

Bale transformed!

(Edit) 30/08/2017

It was shocking to learn that Bale lost 68Ibs for this role but the result, along with his incredible performance really drew you into the film and his character. The film basically depicts a man losing his mind right in front of you and is filmed in a way that makes you feel as if you're losing yours also. Until the reasons for his delusional and deteriorating state slowly play out in front of you and him for a great finish.

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You, the Living


(Edit) 21/08/2017

I've watched and understood a few bonkers/random films in my time but I honestly thought I'd accidentally eaten some magic mushrooms before I watched this. Smirked in a few places but if anyone can work out what in the hell was going on or what the point was, then please let me know haha

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Worth a watch

(Edit) 21/08/2017

I've seen much better and more engaging coming-of-age films but for a low budget effort, it's worth a watch. The feelings and struggles of coming to terms with your sexuality came across well by the actor playing 'Dani'. Also the feelings of a great friendship, while working out your sexual orientation and feelings of maybe wanting to be more than just friends without ruining that freidnship was delivered well, without ever being really gripping. Worth a watch.

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