Film Reviews by TB

Welcome to TB's film reviews page. TB has written 144 reviews and rated 287 films.

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Boy Erased

Brings the book to life

(Edit) 29/09/2019

I read the book, which is from the real life memoirs of Garrard Conley, before seeing that it had been made into a film. 

The film visually brings the book alive and adds the required emotions that the book didn’t quite capture fully for me.

The acting of the main character, Jared was very good and even though at times the film felt slow paced, that slow pace was perfectly used to allow you the time to imagine and feel what Jared must have been going through and trying to process in his own mind.

It’s not an amazing film but it’s worth a watch and certainly worth seeing what went on and is still going on in America and so many other countries around the world.

As a gay man myself, it filled me with anger to know that so many countries and people are still so backwards in their thinking and acceptance of homosexuality. 

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(Edit) 14/08/2019

This film has wonderful atmospherics in its setting and in the way it’s shot. Coupled with two young leading actors, who put in sensational performances, this film packs an emotive punch.

 The performances and storyline have an authentic feel to them and for the final third of this film the powerfulness of whats unfolding really hits you.

The two young male leads were terrific and surely future stars. 

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The Angels' Share

Superb piece of British Cinema

(Edit) 06/08/2019

A really well crafted piece of British Cinema that's uplifting, charming and superb in its deliver of a genuine sense of realness throughout. The film doesn't have a star cast and in fact I can't say I've heard of any of the actors or actresses but who cares as they were all superb. Each performance is outstanding and leaves you being completely endeared to each and every characters on so many different levels.

I really can't fault the way that the film captures every characters story, emotional state and beautiful outlook, even from the darkest beginings in some cases.

It takes you on a journey of despair, belief and hope; and with a perfectly balanced addition of comedy this film is a real triumph!!

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Hazy adolescence

(Edit) 30/07/2019

There are a number of coming-of-age films out there, which makes it hard for a film to really stand out unless it delivers itself in a unique way to many others.

This film achieved that in three ways. Firstly it was beautifully shot with a naturally relaxed summer vibe and setting. Secondly, the cinematography was very good; especially for the silent parts in some of the scenes which allowed the feelings and emotions of self-discovery, confusion and awkwardness to be played out without the need for words. And thirdly, I really loved the segments which where like a narrated diary as an overlay to parts of the film.

It was realistic, raw, thoughtful and relatable in its handling of adolescent sexual awakening.  

One of the best coming-of-age films I’ve seen!    

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Swimming with Men

Will have you smiling

(Edit) 23/07/2019

I was so close to giving this film a four because it had me smiling throughout.

As has been said in other reviews; the film is literally the The Full Monty but in the swimming pool. All of the characters are excellent with their own personal stories that fit into why these misfits fitted together and rehabilitated each other. It’s a really enjoyable and fun film to watch.

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The Favourite


(Edit) 19/07/2019

Yes it had the costumes and the vibrant settings to portray its era and it grasped the politics, corruption and scheming that was prevalent during that time. However, that's about all it did have. With the exception of Olivia Coleman there was nothing to impress in the acting stakes and the whole film seemed pointless with no real stroyline or reason. It even forced itself in trying to be funny but fell flat.

I'm a big fan of films and have watched many great period pieces and oscar winning films but how this was even in the shortlist for such awards is beyond me.

To be fair I turned it off after just over and hour, so I may have missed something that made it worthy but I doubt it and I would certainly advise watching paint dry instead!

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House of Flying Daggers

Stunning and vibrant

(Edit) 29/06/2019

The cinematography is stunning and vibrant throughout but on top of this the film has a great plot that interweaves with a love story and well delivered twists.

The action scenes are terrific and mesmerising at times and you also buy into each characters emotions and story, while getting taken on a spectacular and beautiful journey of loyalty, betrayal and love.

A truly superb piece of cinema.

Be free like the wind!!

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Land of Storms


(Edit) 24/06/2019

I found this film very laboured and at times hard to stick with. The storyline was easy to grasp but it had no energy or any real emotion to it, in order to grab you. On top of this the acting was mediocre and all that saved it from getting a 1 star rating was the setting and the filming of it in places.

Overall though an absolute bore-fest! 

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A Star Is Born

Harrowing love story

(Edit) 17/06/2019

Two different people, living two very different lives are brought together in a love story that’s beautiful but also harrowing.

Both Gaga and Cooper put in excellent acting performances with Gaga in particular showing that she’s truly a multi talented woman.  The soundtrack is incredible from both Gaga (Ally) and Cooper (Jackson). The tale of stardom and love, sees a crossing over and reversing of fortunes for both characters and is done in a way that’s completely believable and delivered powerfully in this dramatic love story.

The film is also filled out by the relationship between Gaga and her father and the relationship between Cooper and his father-figure manager; which has some touching moments.

I thought the pacing of the film was on point but I did feel the ending was a little rushed and would have like to have seen more time spent on the fall out and the effect between Ally (Gaga) and her manager, who ultimately played his part in the very sad ending.

Great soundtrack, great acting and a beautiful on-screen partnership. Make you you have the tissues near by! 

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Sexual Tension: Volatile


(Edit) 13/06/2019

The six short films all contain sexual tensions but they are very poor overall with poor acting, odd and not very believable storylines and nothing much in the way of anything erotic or overly sexual.

I wouldn’t bother if I was you! 

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Beautiful Boy

Carell and Chalamet are outstanding

(Edit) 08/06/2019

Both Steve Carell and Timothee Chalamet produce sensational performances in this deeply traumatic battle between a heavily drug addicted son and his desperate father.

I agree with other reviewers in that the film is a little dragged out but in a way this emphasis the concern and endless worrying that the parents were going through, which at times must have felt like every minute was an hour.

The fact this is based on a true story makes the film even more impactful and brings home the reality that sadly there are many families and people going through this same and awful struggle. 

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The Passion of the Christ

Deeply moving

(Edit) 05/06/2019

The deeply moving film is hard to watch with the brutal and sickening scenes throughout. It’s incredible upsetting, especially when it flashes back to his childhood and left me in tears as to the suffering Jesus endured.

A powerful film! 

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Hot Summer Nights


(Edit) 21/05/2019

Yes the story could have been slightly stronger and packed out a little more but for me this didn’t take away from what ultimately was a great movie.

The slight negative of that mentioned above was outweighed by many positives that made this film an intoxicating watch. Great performances from the young actors, including Timothee Chalamet, of whom I’m a big fan of, were coupled with a great early 90’s setting that was delivered and shot in a way that was thrilling in its nostalgic nod to that era. While the soundtrack added to the ambiance of the film and it’s setting.

The story was thrilling enough to keep you hooked though and with an ending that was dramatic and conclusive, I couldn’t help but reflect on how much I enjoyed it as the credits rolled.

So sit back and take in a heady mix of 90’s music and a coming-of-age drug dealing drama.

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My Best Friend


(Edit) 23/05/2019

This is such a tender coming-of-age story with real sensitivity created by the actors; especially the two young actors playing Lorenzo and Caito.

It focuses beautifully on a friendship that grows with understanding, trust, sensitivity and love. The problems that Caito is dealing with brings him and Lorenzo close and despite Lorenzo having issues of his own, he puts them aside and wants nothing but to care and be there for Caito.

The acting is solid and the coming-of-age issues that teenagers have are delicately woven in with the everyday issues of the worrying and concerned parents to give a solid and engaging storyline.

The relationship between Lorenzo and Caito and the clear underlying and growing affection that Lorenzo has for his friend is what makes this film really tender and great to watch.

The final scenes real do tug at your emotions, which is testimony to the effective deliver of the story by the great young actors. 

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One and Two

What’s the meaning?

(Edit) 08/05/2019

A very odd film with no real meaning; that left me questioning what the point of it was really?

I only gave it two stars because of the exceptional acting of young star Timothee Chalamet, who continues to go from strength to strength with every film he’s involved in.

Wouldn’t recommend it as a film to watch though, if I’m being honest.

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