Film Reviews by TB

Welcome to TB's film reviews page. TB has written 144 reviews and rated 287 films.

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Get Out

Messed up!

(Edit) 01/05/2019

This is one seriously messed up and freaky horror, come thriller, come comedy. In that respect it’s completely original but I genuinely don’t know if I liked it or not. The first part of the movie is a tad slow and pretty odd but that oddness so turns into a freakishly and horrific situation for the main character. His acting is very good and adds to the tension and despair that his character is clearly experiencing.

Give it a watch and see what you think, is all I can say!

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Seat in Shadow


(Edit) 29/04/2019

I totally got what the film was about but continually kept asking myself 'Why?'. I really don't get what the point of the film was as there wasn't any sort of a sensible beginning, the middle was full of strange nonsense and there wasn't even an ending..............I don't think so anyway!

Very poor.

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The Pass

A little forced

(Edit) 28/04/2019

The reason I only rated this film a two instead of a three or four is because the subject was good but felt forced and overplayed at times.

There are clearly gay people in football but it’s still a taboo subject and nobody big in the game has actually openly come out in real life. In that respect the file is a welcome nod towards the difficulty in coming out for footballers but the over playing and somewhat exaggeration of the problems it may bring, may actually hinder anyone thinking of coming out in the game.

I think the film should have focused a bit more on the gentle side of discovering your sexuality and feelings instead of too much towards the negatives. The final scene was the best part of the film and did ring true to what it would probably be like and what has probably happened behind closed doors in the real world.

An opportunity missed in a way, as this film is good and original in its important and topical content but could have been a real hit and made a number of people sit up if it had have been delivered and constructed in a better way.

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My Straight Son

A reminder

(Edit) 10/04/2019

This film serves as a great reminder of how important and precious our relationships are with not just our lovers but also our family and friends.

A storyline that involves and develops from a tragic event (the scene of that event leaves you angry and upset), and which is delivered really well with great acting that shapes and gets across each of the characters and their own personal stories and troubles within the film.

There are a few sub plots running alongside the tragic event that this film is ultimately built around but none are more impressive and emotionally endearing than the relationship between the father and son, which twists and turns throughout while delivering an array of emotions to the viewer.

The film also impressively closes out with a well weighted conclusion to the tragic event and the future lives of the main characters.

An impressive and well delivers film.

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Brutal delight

(Edit) 01/04/2019

This thriller is brutally brilliant!

An excellent plot that unravels in a thrilling fashion with a smattering of dark humour thrown in and a superbly psychotic performance from the Steve Buscemi.

A classic!!

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Public Schooled


(Edit) 26/03/2019

A really quirky and enjoyable coming-of-age school teen drama. It made you laugh, cringe and ultimately root for the main character throughout. I loved the characters and the whole dynamic of the film.

A real fun movie!

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Boys on Film: Cruel Britannia

Only one worth watching!

(Edit) 21/03/2019

This is definetly the worst ‘Boys on Film’ collection so far. The only one worth a watch is ‘Man and Boy’ as the rest are a mix of poor and very poor. Ratings for each below:-

All over Brazil


Night swimming


I don’t care


Surprise star appearances in this one!



The chefs letter


We once were tide


What you looking at


Man and boy






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Despicable Me 3


(Edit) 17/03/2019

In the main I have to disagree with the majority of the reviews so far. Yes it’s not quite as good as the first two but I still really enjoyed it.

The minions were as funny as they always are and the film series still has the most adorable animation character going in Agnus. I also loved the different twist from the usual villain, with this one having a quirky 80’s persona and great musically tracks to accompany his every move.

Storyline wasn’t as ambitious as in the previous films but it was simple, understandable didn’t take anything away from the film just simply being enjoyable to watch.

Easy viewing!

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A Man, His Lover and His Mother

Great Dynamics

(Edit) 12/03/2019

I really enjoyed this film because of how all of the characters had their own stories and issues going on, and how each of those characters stories/issues dynamically wove into the others situations to give a real-life and beleivable complexity to the film.

The acting was strong throughout and the taught relationship between the mother and her children was great to watch with the mothers character regularly switching between joy and depression, due to her ills and the weight of her past.

I won't ruin the film by going too in depth but there is also a tender love story entwined in this and the whole film was a joy to watch from start to finish.

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Journey's End

Needed more!

(Edit) 04/03/2019

This film is good in the way that it differentiates itself from the usual war films, which are full of and mainly concentrate on the action and gory side of battles in the field. This film instead concentrates all its efforts on the mental side of war and how the fatigue, panic and fear of the enemy and the unknown takes its toll on those involved.

In that sense the film creates a great atmosphere and at times an almost palpable feeling of tension to make you appreciate what those soldiers must have been feeling and going through.

That said though, the addition of a bit more action would have still seen the film maintain its core aim but at the same time giving enough to keep your full and undivided attention.

To that end this film fell short for me and was watchable but won’t stick in the memory for long.

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Boys on Film 17: Love Is the Drug

Poor overall

(Edit) 03/03/2019

This is a poor collection overall with only three films worthy of being watched. ‘Alec and the Handyman’ and ‘Hole’ are very thought provoking. While ‘Happy and Gay’ was very clever and original in its black and white cartoon style.

Boys on Film 16 offers a much better overall selection of films.

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Boys on Film 18: Heroes

One of the better ‘Boys on Film’ collections

(Edit) 13/02/2019

I have reviewed all films against the summary given for each short film on this website.


1 out of 5. Story didn’t really go anywhere after it had set its premise.


3 out of 5. The varying and differing feelings between the two characters (ex’s) and the somewhat tetchiness and nervousness of the situation came across and was acted out well. Not a bad short film that was believable and left you feeling sorry for the supportive ex.

Half a Life:-

4 out of 5. The narration and animation gave a different and intriguing concept to this short gay story and delivered the key issues that the film was trying to get across well. Issues such as cultural differences in certain countries (Israel in this case), acceptance and understanding (or lack of in this case) and good humanity being punished because of those cultural differences, backward views and a lack of understanding and acceptance. An upsetting film that gives us a stark reminder that homophobia and discrimination is still rife around the world.

Undress Me:-

4 out of 5. An interesting and very thought provoking character assessment of two people. In giving an example of one of many possible ways of approaching, dealing with and understanding the situation, having discovered that someone you’re attracted to is transgender. How would you react? I liked this.

The Colour of His Hair:-

3 out of 5. The mix of documentary and drama worked relatively well to tell this true story of an important and key period when homosexuality was finally and correctly legalised. However, in my opinion a short film isn’t the best carrier or way to deliver a subject that needs more time and depth given to it. The acting was okay, the set design and clothing brought the era to life and the real life elements (footage, clippings, etc) brought it all together.

Silly Girl:-

1 out of 5. Very short, hollow acting and all a bit pointless to be honest.

An Evening:-

4 out of 5. Those first experience, those first thoughts and the questions in your own head about what happened and how you felt and feel. This film delivers that moment in a beautiful and poetic way with solid acting performances, that bring the youthful emotions alive and great cinematography.


5 out of 5. A heart wrenching but also heart warming documentary about the doctors and nurses who cared for and showed great humanity towards people who had a disease that was a new epidemic and that still wasn’t fully understood at the time. Their compassion for those who had been cast aside, makes this short film a very rewarding watch.

It’s Consuming Me:-

3 out of 5. A bizarre reliving of memories of a past relationship. Certainly different but I’m sure it’s something we’ve all done. Very short but cleverly done.

Mother Knows Best:-

3 out of 5. That mother and son conversation with all the questions that I could certainly relate to in some cases when I came out and my mum met my first partner. Well acted in a tense car ride scene.

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Disturbingly dark

(Edit) 09/02/2019

This is a disturbingly dark comedy but has great originality with its brutal content that feels odd but also perfectly fitting in what becomes a completely bonkers serial killer romance.

Dark, violent and totally original.

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Adorable dog

(Edit) 06/02/2019

An adorable dog and a great acting performance by Christopher Plummer is all I can say about this film. Unfortunately it didn’t capture me at all as it was an all over the shop and rather boring romance and character assessment.

I stuck with it but shouldn’t have really bothered. Disappointing.

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Superbly told

(Edit) 03/02/2019

A superbly told true story with a spellbinding performance from the wonderful Dane Judi Dench and an equally impressive Steve Coogan, who shows that he can deliver a believable and serious role away from his usual comedic roles and characters.

The film captures what is a terribly sad true story, beautifully and is deliver in a way that really pulls you into the feelings and thoughts of not just Philomena but also the journalist. The relationship between the pair weaves in well with their separate desires to discover the truth and the various paths along the way, that culminate in a very heart wrenching and thought provoking conclusion.

A triumph of a film!

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