Film Reviews by SL

Welcome to SL's film reviews page. SL has written 3 reviews and rated 24 films.

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(Edit) 16/01/2017

This film tries to be arty and it just ends up being weird, wasted 120 minutes of my life watching this!!, actually only about 90 as I fast forwarded to the end.

Give it a big miss, zero stars...

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The Judge


(Edit) 02/05/2016

What a depressing boring film, good actors but not a feel good film in any way... after watching this I needed to watch something a bit more less depressing to stop me from going to sleep..

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Most boring film ever

(Edit) 22/02/2016

Waited for this film to get going and it nearly did in the last minute. Story although true still weird. Absolute rubbish give it a miss.

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