Film Reviews by Old Devonian

Welcome to Old Devonian's film reviews page. Old Devonian has written 35 reviews and rated 39 films.

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The Mummy

A good Tom Cruise romp

(Edit) 01/04/2018

I love Tom Cruise, but for how much longer can we suspend disbelief sufficiently to accept that, after so many action movies under his belt, he can still do this stuff. Yes a very confused film but highly entertaining. Not sure why everyone seems to be slating it. What did they expect from a TC film when they ordered it? It was just TC playing TC opposite a pretty girl against a dodgy villain.

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A slasher movie?

(Edit) 01/04/2018

Loved it. Perhaps slightly too long with an unnecessarily sentimental ending. Plenty of blood and death, so not for the squeamish (how does he pierce skulls with such ease?). Hugh Jackman carries the movie, ably assisted by Patrick Stewart, grounding Wolverine.Merchant’s accent is slightly hilarious. Great entertainment.

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Baby Driver

DJ’s review is spot on

(Edit) 01/04/2018

This is rock solid good. So what if it is a carton caper and Baby’s back story is slightly ridiculous. The car chases are great and the twists and turns worth the wait. Baby is an interesting character and, together with the soundtrack, make the movie different and very entertaining. Definitely 110 minutes we’ll spent.

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(Edit) 01/04/2018

This film is overhyped and the trailer is a massive spoiler. I wanted to like it, but it is rubbish and it is such a shame two such good actors got lost in this unbelievable storyline, unbelievable sets, and stodgy dialogue with such a predictable ending. I stayed to the end and accept therefore that it was mildly entertaining but I was deeply disappointed.

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The Double

Dark, grim and not entertaining

(Edit) 07/12/2017

Dark and intriguing, but not sufficiently intriguing for me to want to watch beyond 30 minutes. Disappointed. Tomatometer had a strong rating and other reviews (not here but elsewhere) were strong. It must be me, but seeing other Cinema Paradiso reviews here, I am pleased to see that I am not alone

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