Film Reviews by DaMikki

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Series 2

Absolute rubbish

(Edit) 07/04/2024

I have watched enough, I can't take anymore. This should not exist, let alone be shown on TV. It's an affront to the Star Trek name.

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The Green Knight

Absolute tripe from start to finish

(Edit) 28/05/2022

The author of this story must have been on drugs, the entire film made little to no sense and was even less entertaining.

** Spoilers ahead **

In a flash forward the immoral and dishonourable man sees himself becomes king when he should have had his head cut off. What he does is totally despicable, he gets his girlfriend pregnant after having already cheated on her during his travels. Then he takes her child and marries someone else. He is nothing but an evil ba$t@rd. The entire kingdom grows to hate him.

Don't look for a happy ending in this film, as the entire kingdom would have been happier if the guy was killed 20 minutes in. Which is why he allows his head to be cut off.

Absolute nonsensical tripe from start to finish, don't waste your time watching it.

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Despicable and disturbing in equal measure

(Edit) 02/11/2020
Spoiler Alert

Let me be very clear, first I have absolutely no issue with lesbian or gay relationships at all, they are just relationships pure and simple. Just as meaningful and just as acceptable as any heterosexual relationship. I take issue with anyone that would say otherwise. However, what I do have an issue with is the conduct of one of the women in the story. (Please be aware this will contain spoilers sorry).

The woman (A) starts a relationship with another woman (B) knowing full well back then (just before war time) there was no possibility of woman (B) ever being able to give her a child or even for them both to adopt whilst in a lesbian relationship (society was wrongly not ready for that back then). This relationship develops and grows stronger, as does any meaningful relationship, they go through lots of ups and downs together and woman (B) supports woman (A) through the death of her mother etc. They support each other and grow closer into a loving relationship, only for woman (A) to decide she is leaving woman (B) because she wants children.

Woman (A) hurt woman (B) so badly by doing this, that Woman (B) moves away and retreated into her writing and research, having no time for anyone or anything else. Not content with destroying Woman (B)'s life and breaking her heart with her selfish and unfair actions, Woman (A) then decides that during the London bombings, the safest place for her child would be with woman (B), who's heart she broke just 8 - 10 years ago. So she illegally manages to obtain woman (B)'s address from one of her publishers and volunteers woman (B) without her consent, to take in relocated children during the war.

There is nothing wrong in wanting children, however this would be like me marrying a woman I knew could never have children, only to break her heart and leave her years later because she can never give me a child. Then not content with that, I expect that same woman, who's heart I broke, to look after my child for me. This is completely and utterly heartless and so very very wrong.

The film try's so hard to gloss over this, as it shows the relationship developing between woman (A) and (B) only in flashbacks, rather than giving it its own segment of the film. The film tries very hard to shift the focus of the story onto the relationship between woman (B) and the child but I am sorry to say, but it fails to to hide how morally and ethically wrong and selfish woman (A) truly is. Then when woman (A)'s husband dies, woman (A) comes uninvited to woman (B)'s house to continue their relationship like nothing has happened, only this time with a child. This is palmed off as a happy ending between everyone years later, seriously !! :(

It really does disturb me that a film like this is rated 12, as it sends the wrong message to the viewer. This story (written and directed by the same person), is clearly a very poor attempt to disguise and make light of the cruel, thoughtless and just plain selfish behaviour, which sadly people are capable of, as a heart warming and family friendly tale, which this film is most certainly not !!

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Grand Isle

Unwatchable Shite !!!

(Edit) 25/03/2020

The title says it all, a pointless crappy story that was offensive and unpleasant to watch. The worst film I have seen Nicolas cage in, in a very long time. Why is he even starting in crap like this ?

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Blade Runner 2049

Waste of time DO NOT BOTHER

(Edit) 27/03/2018

What a pile of pants !! I hated this film so much I couldn't even make it to the end of the film I shut it off after 2 hours and 8 minutes. What a shame as the original was one of my most favourite films ever. The acting in this film was horrendous, the story was pointless the soundtrack is nothing compared to how amazing the originals was. Many people go on about how the film looks nice at least, I honestly paused the film to check that I had been sent the BLU-RAY version and not the DVD version because of how foggy and muggy the visual effects were at some point in the film. I don't understand why this film was 3 hours long and manages to tell no story whatsoever. What little plot there is, is blatantly obvious after just 10 minutes and nothing in the film at all is memorable, no fantastic lines like 'I've seen things you people wouldn't believe ... ', NOTHING !

Women are either naked, killing someone or being killed while naked ... lots of naked which still couldn't save this film from complete and utter boredom :P

I am so disappointed with the film that I am going to forget that it even exists.

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The Ghoul

Unwatchable Tripe

(Edit) 03/01/2018

nonsensical story and is so booooooorrrrrrring and slooooooow. With lots of poor quality acting. Not a film I would recommend at all. Couldn't watch more than 30 minutes before I have to shut it off.

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