Film Reviews by AL

Welcome to AL's film reviews page. AL has written 2 reviews and rated 13 films.

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The Gentlemen

Pound shop Tarantino.

(Edit) 01/10/2020

To be fair, calling this dreary parade of hackneyed mockney geezer and posh chap cameos a pound shop Tarantino exaggerates its value by one pound. Not even bad enough to be unintentionally funny, just dull. It may have a good ending, but you will need a heroic tolerance of boredom to find out. Mine failed after an hour.

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The Man from London

Great photography, but overlong, obscure and dull

(Edit) 04/11/2019

Watching this film felt like shuffling in shackles through an exhibition of exceptionally fine monochrome photographs arranged in a vague narrative sequence, while a large animal issued an interminable cry of pain from the bottom of a well nearby. The overwhelming sensation upon the arrival of the final credits was one of relief.

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