Welcome to PM's film reviews page. PM has written 8 reviews and rated 1871 films.
Waste of time to watch, waste of energy to put that into a DVD, even waste of information of every bit of it.
Perfect to torture anybody who already saw more than one movie.
One of my favourite movies.
One of the super, but underrated movies.
As scientist I have always debates with my friends about spiritualism. This movie touch this subject with an intensive way. A modern Love story with credible debates, but deep feelings, even over love. Great acting, super and sensitive director.
Great and creative visual effects.
But wtf happening here? Always there is a countdown. Once 3 in the same time: start engines, destroy Moon and recovery the internet. When was shut down?
In a scene we jump 15 years. The characters are not older.
Always there is a solution in the last seconds. Sometimes we do not know what (repairing the quantum computer snd recovery of internet)
Why are they building engines in the Moon? What is the plan with the Earth outside the solar system without sunshine? What is the plan against the interstellar medium?
Is it a timetraveller message in the middle of the movie?
How a pilot can be everywhere in the story?
When the Earth was flooded? What are they doing in the ocean?
The most important: Who wrote this chaotic scipt?
Like a fan movie in the YouTube, without editing. My favourite part when they are walking in a forest for ~15 minutes.
The story shows an event 500 years from now, but everything is absolutely the same like now.
Only Bruce Willis is authentic. He seems hundreds years old, with the same very limited actor cliches, he has. If you put his character with the same lines into any other Willis movie, it would work.
The other characters are so thin, I did not realised when they died or disappeared.
You could see the story of Hamlet many times.
The great in this movie, when you are sure about the next scenes, but all of them are a little bit different. So you have to thinking and compare them in every moment. There are references to other Shakespeare dramas, so the end if the story is a mix of other plays (specially Romeo and Juliet).
I really love this rethinking of a well known story, which is very similar feelings like the Shakespeare in love was.
I've read critics about this movie, and they said it was great, and best acting of NC.
When I started to watch it, started to thinking about the "why"s?
Why did they say it is a good movie? Why is it a good acting? Why did its makers think this was a story they had to show? Why am I watching this ...?
Of course it is not a Predator movie, I do not think it tried to be serious.
For an action comedy is not bad (e.g. accidentally lobotomized alien scenes, the whole story with the kid, one dimensional characters, the members of the squad, the insane team scenes, the paralyzed scientist).
It is absolutely not that what I expected, but it surprised me, which is pretty rear from the action movies genre.
I've seen some Oscar winners, but I do not understand this.
The picture is nothing special. Oscar for this? Against the Arrival or La La Land?
The drama is a common one, not deeper, nothing new.
The cast are great, but the characters are pretty flat.
Ok, it is not stupid action movie, but I do not think it will be evergreen classic or cult film.