Welcome to matt's film reviews page. matt has written 7 reviews and rated 1575 films.
I really wanted to enjoy this having loved Jarmusch's "Mystery Train" The film starts well but goes downhill once Benigni's character enters the picture. He is just too annoyingly offbeat that the whole film is thrown off kilter. Consequently the film gets more and more tedious. After and hour I had to stop the DVD. Real life is more important!
Confused, pretentious dreck from the usually reliable werner herzog. Could only stand ten minutes of this. Avoid at all costs.
Fabulous, fascinating and beautiful to behold. Perhaps herzog's most well-known movie, this has to be seen to be believed. Everything you see actually took place without the aid of special effects or CGI. Will take your breath away. Take it away, enrico caruso...
Feel-good movie with characters you really care about. It is heartwarming without being corny. Little known film yet well worth checking out.
It takes a while to creep into the world of the film as much is unexplained. Be patient, however, and you'll be rewarded with a emotionally and intellectually satisfying movie. Well worth a rent.
This could have been great. The concept was good as was the story. The film looked evry cent of its undoubtedly high budget. But acting was poor, pacing non-existent and there was no soul to the film. Yes, it was based on a cartoon - a 2d format - but what was the point in making a film if you weren't going to make a cinematic, involving movie? Annoyingly bad movie.
This is dark, black as pitch. Our anti-heroine, Jill, has no qualms about the way she treats others regardless of another misfortune. She is quite simply a shameless woman and yet this is no grim tragedy. Rather you will find yourself streaming with tears of laughter as Jill dispatches another poor victim with her killer put-downs. Not for all tastes, but get into the rhythm of this and you will love every minute.