Film Reviews by TK

Welcome to TK's film reviews page. TK has written 4 reviews and rated 57 films.

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The Death of Stalin

Black humour all the way

(Edit) 13/10/2022

Successfully brutal from a good set of writers. Couldn’t be more spot on regarding Putin and Ukrainian war. It s shocking that the facts are actually true. 5 stars for me

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What We Do in the Shadows

Great idea and quite a cult but the result is not as good

(Edit) 20/03/2017

As much as I love the idea of this and the actors, flight of the conchords etc. this is not as good as I was expecting. Still some good crackers and I like the low budget production. Maybe if it was a lot shorter. I d really love to have liked it more. Keep going Jemaine...!

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Great, captivating and tense and somehow very touching

(Edit) 20/03/2017

You can really relate to the story, it s very real somehow and J K Simmons is brilliant. Nice tempo as well, it keeps the tension up until the end. Best movie I ve watched in a while.

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Magic in the Moonlight

Not like old Woody Allen but a pleasure to watch

(Edit) 07/12/2016

Not judging it by Woody Allen standards, it just a nice movie on its own. Making a good point about magic and how much we might need the irrational sometimes. All dressed in a love story with nice dialogues (capturing the English subtlety that Allen is fascinated by lately) and a good flow overall. If you re looking for "sleeper" or "Manhattan" you might be disappointed but still a very enjoyable movie.

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