Film Reviews by VR

Welcome to VR's film reviews page. VR has written 10 reviews and rated 14 films.

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Birds Like Us

Not the average children's film

(Edit) 12/07/2024

This animation despite having cartoons birds is not based on children's book. 2017 film is more a philosophical tale of what could be with one character being a narrator with furry legs. There are famous well known voice of Jeremy Irons and Alicia Vikander. The tale is based on a Attar of Nishapur's "The Conference of the Birds" the free adaptation is created by a British independent firm. The images can be a bit jarring and the story requires you to use your brain a lot. I found it more like a rational paper at uni. It really helps if you know 'Birds Like Us' (Bosnian: Ptice kao mi; Turkish: Kuslar Bizim Gibi); this animated fantasy adventure film directed by Faruk Šabanovic and Amela Cuhara. It was only distributed in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States and Qatar and had hardly any promotion.

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A Walk to Remember

More than a high school story

(Edit) 23/06/2021

I hadn't watched this film at the time of it's release as I was struggling with school but someone recommended it. I should have, it's better than the usual story and I will say one of those clever films that reveal it's true plot after you've made up your mind about it. Quite enjoyable.

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Alita: Battle Angel

A retelling of Pinocchio with a dash of teenage girl angst and robot wars

(Edit) 20/04/2021

I watched this because I have been told by my cousin it was better than Captain Marvel. He's probably right but I couldn't engage with the film. It took me until nearly 50 minutes to become involved with it. I don't know, although the acting was great it something wasn't right for me. Alita would have been fine living with her 'dad' and the really the final plot wasn't necessary. It was a case of to me "Cutting off the nose to spite the face". She had discovered who she was. She was living a comfortable life and wasn't in danger. I giving 4 stars because the film itself, the way it was made and the CGI were perfect but the story wasn't.

I think too much focus was trying to make Alita fit the standard box office trends. I liked Christoph Waltz and 'his' interaction with Alita. There should have been more scenes with characters that weren't teenagers. I also think we should have learnt more about Alita adjusting to real life, being with others. Finding out why she acted the way she did and what made her so protective of them. The plot was too much towards the last part of the film; I got bored. I thought Ed Skrein played the cartoon comic villiain with a cheeky London accent. It didn't work for me as I am from London. Must be an American thing. It boring to always have the 'British' actor being the 'Bad girl/guy.

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Alien Contagion

One idea doesn't make a film.

(Edit) 14/03/2020

I would give this film no stars if I could.

This film seems to be made by teenagers or the plot was written by a sex obsessed teenage mind. Although I get the cast were making porn films at the time of the alien invasion, too many close up shots and scenes were on the 'ample bosomed' naked female cast. The blood looked like jam and ketchup. The Thing would be embarrassed.

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The Nun

I think this film was trying to explain all the aspects of The Conjuring series

(Edit) 14/03/2020

This film was so so, but doesn't for me have anything unique to the horror genre. I saw The film Annabelle The Origins before which was more enjoyable. The sheer horror of Antony La Paglia's double grief was an additional character to that story line. The acting wasn't bad by anyone, it's just too familiar. If it had been a tribute film to the classic horror it might have been more well received.

There were many nods to traditional horror aspects; the ringing of bells to alert a passer by that the recently buried was not dead. The classic Gothic castle/ convent with many secret door ways. The Latin inscriptions which were to me such a cliché. Was Latin even spoken by all The Crusaders? Only educated people (rich) knew the language. The creaky doors and the repetition of the nun painting from Conjuring 2 was nice.

Part of me I'm sorry, from the opening sequence questioned the actions of Sister Victoria. Suicide is a very difficult and personal thing for a person, but after all the warnings from Sister Jessica she should of jumped earlier. There's no point looking at the approaching ghoul, take pre-empting actions. It's like people watching a the invasion in Independence Day film. You don't watch it you run. I know that the film would happen if she did but by explaining The Nun's origin made the film to me a bit flat. There were some genuine scary visuals but I didn't have any benefit from the jump scares. It must be because I've been watching Terminator, horror from 9. I did like the explanation of Maurice's new white tattoo which was again tying up all the threads of the franchise.

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Certain Women

Moving at a snail pace but not actually going anywhere

(Edit) 14/02/2020

I don't actually like writing a bad review but with other American 'Psychological' films, I was left disappointed. I wasn't expecting a Marvel like all boxes ticked ending or a cliff-hanger, but nothing was resolved. None of the plans made by the female characters moved forward or at least talked about the slightest hint of a next stage like I will earn more money by doing a second job or selling something to move on from the stagnant position of the drama. I'm a patient person and Laura Dern, Michelle Williams and Lily Gladstone gave earnest performances but I felt that Gladstone was not allowed to progress. I understand this might be a film concentrating on the 'Stillness of life' but life is peppered with moments of laughter, joy, anything.

It seemed to be a mono themed film.

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Not the film I wanted to see

(Edit) 09/10/2019

I hoped and was expecting to see Circle 2015 highly praised thriller involving 30 complete strangers; I however received a generic slasher film about surprise, surprise American college students in a hut in the middle of nowhere. The film is full of horror clichés. You could tell everyone involved was just trying to make a little bit of money. They didn't make me feel as if they enjoyed making this film and were just going through the motions. If you enjoy young adults being killed in the very predictable way rent this film. I'd watch rather watch Friday the 13th.

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How to Get Away with Murder: Series 1

This is why TV needs old fashioned film stars.

(Edit) 22/05/2019

This is a 'House' like program about a very talented and feared lawyer played by Viola Davis. In this show the title is the name for Ms Davis' unique law class. You only pass if you can impress her. This is basically a vehicle for a masterclass in acting by Viola. Miss Davis uses her acting, her arresting method of drawing you in and the dumbfounding nature of the American criminal law, to make each episode confusing and very enjoyable. Everyone should rent this.

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Our Beloved Month of August

A long film without a pleasing resolution

(Edit) 23/09/2018

I watched this film hoping something might actually happen. I waiting through the lovely views of the Algarve and the explanation of why people have to look out for smoke in the arid pine and eucalyptus forest. I understand as a person who is half Portuguese that this could lead to a life and death situation, but I was hoping for something more than the Karaoke story line.

I know personally that life is slower there and they rely on the fruits of their labour, but I felt that everyone had such low expectations for life. To me the film was repetitive and the promised amateur film was never made. This film was too long 2 hours and 24 minutes. The story line of the young cousins seemed sleazy to me and just an opportunity to have a sex scene with the young cast. Not believable.

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Grand Piano

A case of the flight of the bumblebee

(Edit) 10/04/2018

I enjoyed it. I often watch films from Hitchcock's and the Black and White vintage suspense thrillers. The pace is similar to a classic who done it. The film focuses on the piano player, Tom Selznick, (Elijah Wood), who is a bit nervous about performing after a very public episode of stage fright. What the film asks the watcher to decide is if the player (Elijah Wood), is just suffering from nerves.

The scenes of Elijah playing are very good; I wonder if he learnt to play? There is support by John Cusack, Tamsin Egerton, Allen Leech and Don McManus. Leech was previously in 'Downton Abbey' as Tom Branson the Irish husband of Lady Sybil and the driver of the house

I felt the director Eugenio Mira, just wanted to focus on Elijah Wood's character and cared little for the female cast.

It created more of a back story however slight for its men. Although the film is about Tom Selznick’s character it would not meet the ‘Bechdel Test’. That could be because of the profession's (professional pianist), male bias. Either way it was Wood's film. The music is fantastic and could be watched for it’s soundtrack. I would watch the film again to see every part of the plot again. 4 stars as not everyone likes this type of music.

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