Welcome to PLUTO's film reviews page. PLUTO has written 4 reviews and rated 158 films.
i know george Lucas is weird, but revamping an entire episode with a nonexistent plot shows only his inordinate greed. a CG Prter Cushing looking as if he'd jus arisen from his grave to do a curtain call and being far creepier than he ever achioeved in life plus a villain dressed in white!!
15 minutes in I couldn't bear any more of it and stopped it. Face it Lucas . Some thing are better left dead... this is top of the list. oh and the Last Jedi was more dire by an astronomical factor. Stick to making original movies instead of preaching your insane religion Who knos yu may even have enough ledt for one more goodie.
Unsurprisingly, this movie still feels up to date. Convincingly portrays the underbelly of society, heartless, utterly selfish, take what you want from other non-violent "softies", and give them a severe kicking if they objector resist.
amorality always disbelieves in having payback drop onto them. Carter's contempt hits back at him devastatingly.
Yes, readers it really is the Full Chigley, featuring the beloved Brian Cant.
From the very early '60's with animation and storylines to match. But those times were simpler, and in very many ways purer, so enjoy a taste of a past far gone, but never forgotten by those who lived it either grown , or just growing up. If you let its innocence touch your heart, and perhaps you'll feel some of the joy and pleasure of the simple rather than the extravagantly technical which gives us so much viewing delight in these days. still has great children's appeal. And made by one who loved children or the joy they are.
Peter Falk's wide range of acting skills make him a favourite of mine, the more because his skills are not pushed in our faces but seamlessly blended into the weave of whatever role he acts
This film, then, was a real disappointment to me, He's ill in it anf looks to be really dying, but his lacklustre role seems like wallpaper, and who ever gets absorbed with wallpaper. Other viewers may find this film humorous and clever, but it doesn't work for me. If you're a Falk fan try it your tastes being different from my own, you may well enjoy it. For myself I wouldn't give it shelf-room Its 'slapstik' )one of my fave comedy sytyles) has neither slap nor stick (Funny faces need a funny man to generate laughs) my advice...pass it up.