Film Reviews by SG

Welcome to SG's film reviews page. SG has written 4 reviews and rated 14 films.

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The Personal History of David Copperfield

all shouting.. no acting

(Edit) 14/09/2021

My Wife watched this for about 15 mins before giving up and she is pretty wide range in her film likes.. All I heard was shouting and Wife said the acting wasnt really as expected.. Also it seems more as a vehicle to get mixed race cast on screen.. Pretty poor agenda.. pretty poor film

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(Edit) 23/01/2021

Do yourselves a big favour.. rent E.T. instead, way more believable than this. Glad I didn't buy it. Only rented because Russell Crowe in it.. disappointing and underwhelming film with no logic

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Holmes and Watson

Please for all our sakes leave this one alone!!

(Edit) 22/08/2020

dont get me wrong i love both these actors.. i love big bang, zoolander, wreck it ralph,, red dwarf.. BUT this is thge worse drivel i have ever seen....

move on to the next one in your list.. as i wish i had done

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Monster Family


(Edit) 23/01/2019

Worse film i have ever watched! Terrible dialogue and script. Voices and animation out of sync. Supposed to be an american family in america but all english cast and over the top accents.

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