Welcome to TB's film reviews page. TB has written 24 reviews and rated 33 films.
Pedro Almodóvar's first feature film in the English language (he's 75). I've only seen a couple of films - Volver and The Skin I Live In (both excellent). I'd like to see all his films.
Due to the subject matter being about assisted dying, I wasn't exactly looking forward to watching it, but actually it's not dour at all; it's essentially life-(& death)-affirming.
I've seen quite a lot of negative reviews, but I didn't find it boring at all. And I think it's deliberately not overly deep or emotional, just matter of fact, which I think is appropriate and really works.
Recommended viewing.
Although an original premise, and quite watchable, this film did come across as kinda dumb, verging on stupid...
The original premise also is a catch-22 in respect to the fact that it is almost impossible to suspend disbelief, and the nature of the film (when you know what happens) makes the film have practically zero rewatchable value (although maybe does if you actually like the film).
It does have the odd moment I suppose, but as a whole, it seems flawed.
Struggling to find a decent aspect to this film...
The script is bad, and the plot fairly non-existent. Most of the film is a bunch of annoying characters getting drunk & stoned, and being irritating. I didn't care for any of the characters at all. And it's really quite boring...
I think the previous reviewer must have seen a different movie (or is a schill). I'm being generous giving it 2 stars.
Ryan Gosling is OK, Emily Blunt is annoying, and they both get a bad script.
Some of the stunts are quite impressive, but they get lost in a crappy movie...
They spent a lot of money on this, and it wasn't money well spent (which I doubt they recouped).
This is really not very good at all.. in fact it's really quite boring...
None of the characters are likeable (well, there's just 3 characters really, in a love triangle). I have no idea why it's put in the 'comedy' category as there's no laughs at all (except maybe the vaguest chuckle when Zendaya does a temptress routine with the 2 lads).
I actually can't think of any redeeming features... (except for Zendaya's physique)
Anyway, we persevered to the end (a long 2 hours).. and in the final act, it does pick up a bit (although ironically soo drawn out!).. but then right at the final moment you're left going "Huh??"
(pun intended)
Some parts are just stupid & painfully unfunny, whereas other parts are LOL. A curious mix (as not all the humour/jokes pay off in movies), but I don't recall such an extreme in what works and what really doesn't, in the same movie.
Passed the time, worth a watch, though not essential viewing.
I mean, hands up who became acquainted while still at school, romanced with, married, and had a baby with the biggest pop star on the planet?
As long as you don't expect the spectacle of the Elvis movie.. this is a different animal....
I was engrossed with her character - right from the early stages of the romance, her exhilaration was clearly palpable. But I did feel sorry for her (Elvis isn't the most endearing of people), and although she was evidently in love with him, the frustration of her mixed emotions must have been hard to bear.
Good soundtrack, and extra bonus too - no Elvis songs! :)
Quite interesting original concept - people keep seeing this man (the main character) in their dreams, and how that develops, but the developments are often without rhyme or reason, The film doesn't seem to really go anywhere with it, and doesn't really say anything either (or certainly nothing profound).
That's not to say it doesn't have it's moments - there's an interesting scene with one of the characters who has interacted with him in a dream in a way like none of the others, and then the attempt at reenactment is tantalizing and also very funny.
So as a whole, I don't think it really worked and I was left feeling "so what?".. but worth a watch...
Pretty much what I expected.. not very good...
.. or maybe it is, for a girl's female empowerment misandrist night-out...
(I'm male)
The somewhat predictable, but contrived premise of all men & women hating each other (or taking the opposite sex for granted at best) dominate this movie, and is the main origin of the 'laughs' (not that there is much funny about this movie), and actually seems to preach women's apparent superiority over men... ("ha ha, that's so funny!" x 50)
Or am I being too harsh? (as we do live in a predominantly patriarchal society & world)
But saying that, there is the odd bit that is quite clever or works well (like the 2001 pastiche), although the film is essentially bigging up the concept of Barbie as a whole (more than just a mere doll of course!).
My partner (female) said to me - "Loads of people [women] told me this film is great..?" She didn't get it either...
And is Will Ferrell simply just a very annoying actor, or just always acting an annoying part in everything he's in?
I enjoyed this.. road movie on foot.. reminded me of David Lynch's The Straight Story...
Jim Broadbent is excellent as always.
But, this is the first review I have dropped by a star in retrospect, because it's told, and has the feel of a true story, but it's not.
Dunno why exactly, but that makes me feel let down by it. I think it's because it's the story of a guy who walks 500 miles for weeks to visit his dying friend for no good reason (instead of driving or taking the train), when he could have got there in a day - and that in my mind would have been an imperative in that scenario (but a different or less interesting story). Because I assumed it to be true while watching it, it made it more appealing as to why he would have set about such an endeavour.
Still a good watch though.
Quite enjoyable.. it has it's moments.. and an interesting story line.. but really not very good overall...
Robert Rodriguez directing - this is quite a drop from the genius that was Sin City...
Pretty good horror (I'm not a fan of most), but I kinda feel it's not really an Evil Dead film (though it seemed better than the 2013 remake).
The same rules apply (albeit in a completely different setting), and has nice little nods to the originals (eyeball, chainsaw, & shotgun), but it lacks any humour or slapstick, or the Raimi directorial touch.
Still better than most horrors out there though... 3 1/2 stars.
Origin Yellowstone story, 1883 tells the story of the Duttons' trail from Tennessee to Montana.
I thought this was better than the Yellowstone TV series (not that I'm a particular fan of the Western genre). I think the main reasons are that the whole story arc is spread over just 1 season, and I actually really cared about the characters, their journey, and their plight along the way. It's also probably less far-fetched. Aspects to the story are very moving or harrowing.
You don't need to have seen Yellowstone at all to watch this - recommended viewing.
I thought some aspects were excellent, other parts not so good.. I'm still not sure how I would rate it as a whole.. some people will probably hate it...
Let's have a look at some pluses and minuses...
Plus points -
Chaotic spectacle, with quite a few really OTT scenes
Not really like any movie I can think of, and self-indulgent
Albeit fictional story, there are some interesting historical elements (esp. going from the silent era to talkies)
Margot Robbie is great in it, perfectly cast
Looks fantastic, with some excellent editing (not all good though)
The last couple of minutes of the film are great (worth waiting for if you didn't enjoy the rest of the movie so much)
Minus points -
Chaotic spectacle, with quite a few really OTT scenes
Not really like any movie I can think of, and self-indulgent
Disjointed sprawling narrative (that didn't always work)
I felt that Brad Pitt was somewhat wasted in this; not bad, but not great either
Didn't really care about the characters - even one of the main protagonists, who's story arc is pretty much the backbone of the movie; but some scenes do still connect on an emotional level
Hard to rate with all the +/- so I'll give it 3 1/2 stars
But don't be fooled into thinking this is action-packed, it's not (although the action parts are quite machete-wielding brutal).
It's actually quite boring in parts, and some elements of the plot seemed very contrived (esp. considering it is "inspired by true events").. so this meant I didn't really care for the characters that much (although I did care for their cause), I wasn't really invested in it...
But not too bad overall I guess.. meh... 3 stars is probably generous - I wanted to like it more than I did.