Film Reviews by TJ

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Nerves of steel

(Edit) 24/02/2015

I love Moto GP, I know this is about road racing but I've a point to make… anyway always wondeted how these riders break legs abd collarbones and are back on the bike within 2 weeks. After watching the all consuming caurage of the Dunlop family you can begin to appreciate that this has been the way of motorcycle sport for many years.

Whilst I appreciate the sport from afar this film does a far better job of showing road racing and the famous TT for what it really is, than Closer to the Edge could ever do.

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Before I Go to Sleep

can't talk about it too much

(Edit) 19/01/2015

I loved this film. As someone who enjoys films that make use of your grey matter, I found it compelling. The only problem is I can't tell you too much about it because it would spoil the reveal...

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