Welcome to JP's film reviews page. JP has written 29 reviews and rated 693 films.
We weren’t sure if this would be something we’d enjoy, but it certainly was. It’s one if those,‘heartwarming,’ films that isn’t easily forgotten. It takes one to an undiscovered, new world of people and ideas. I could identify having once been a new, young teacher myself. Gorgeous scenery and characters that are charming. What’s not to like?
A good cast and interesting scenery, but this film had so many holes in the plot. We really didn't understand why the writer and director thought the audience would buy some of the time sequences. The story got tiresome after awhile. One bright spot was the interchanges between the Moroccan servants.
We weren't expecting much from this film, but it was a nice surprise. As an American, I always enjoy seeing two top, British actors doing their American accents well. There were some great effects with the fires, and the acting was fine. We always enjoy Jon Bernthal for some unknown reason. Jolie was fine, and although the plot was a bit far fetched, we enjoyed this one.
This film certainly is off beat and, 'different,' but we found it a bit compelling and did watch to the end. It takes somewhat of a keen mind and attention to figure
out what is going on. I guess Hoffman got paid millions for his small part, probably filmed in one day.
This was a lovely film showing characters and a life we rarely get to see. It's an American slice of life that I know, being a Yank, but the British will find it
interesting and not the usual portrayal of life in the States. The cast is wonderful, and how they get children to be so convincing still amazes me.
This is a very cleverly written film, and it's never dull. The cast is made up if familiar names, and they all do a good job. I can't give away the story, but you won't be sorry you watched this little gem.
The best part of this film was the cinematography. There were some beautiful scenes, and the directing was good. Unfortunately, the acting was let down by the predictable Bonnie and Clyde type story. Margot Robbie was quite good as a gun-slinging moll.
Having read reviews if this film, we didn't expect an Oscar winner. The movie held our interest most of the time, and the strange fantasy element was fun with some tense moments toward the conclusion. Dirnan dies a good American accent! I never git the feel of New Orleans, a city I know well.
I enjoyed this film which reveals where some of Rembrandt 's works are housed. Many, not surprisingly, reside in the homes of the uber rich of the world. It's a good documentary and also shows us that one billionaire likes to share his treasures with us less fortunate beings.
I'm old enough to remember the classic film with Margaret O'Brian and Elizabeth Taylor. Watch that one! This version is confusing, badly plotted and a waste of good acting talent. I totally agree with the other review.
Despite an excellent cast, this film (much as I love NY, being a New Yorker for many years), didn't match our expectations. Apparently, Edward Norton wrote the screenplay and directed the movie, and maybe that was an error. It did capture the mood of 50's Brooklyn and Manhattan (and yes I was there then at times), but the plot was a bit confused and hard to follow, although it began to make some sense when Alec Baldwin's character was introduced, and I realized he was supposed to be a real person, Robert Moses.
I am not usually squeamish, but this film had so many violent and brutal scenes. If you do not like watching people getting slaughtered, do not rent this one. I am not saying it's not a well made or important movie, but be aware that it is definitely not for some people.
The acting makes this film.... a simple story of a family that has moved to Montana after many other moves. The mother seems a good one at the start, but life events change her life and perspective. It's really the son's story and how he views the family's life and transitions. One moral of the story - don't marry too young!
This Italian film took me back to my young days of enjoying the wonderful, Italian films of the 50's and 60's. Dogman won't be for everyone. There is lots of violence and seedy scenes. The film deals with paternal love, friendship, and loyalty. The main character is simple but also complex, and his life revolves around his business caring for dogs and his young daughter. His seaside town is below the poverty line and desolate as are many of the characters.
A great, true WWII story. It has a bit too much middle, but the acting and story are wonderful. There were so many heros during the War, and this main character was certainly one of them.