Film Reviews by RA

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Creed II

Same old story.

(Edit) 18/06/2019

Someone has taken the scripts of Rocky 2, 3 and 4, then put them all together in a blender. No surprise to see that Sylvester Stallone was heavily involved in the production as well as starring. OK for an evenings mindless entertainment, but it felt like a long two hours with little feeling of excitement or involvement.

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Seen it all before.

(Edit) 11/02/2019

This movie is what I call written by computer. Die Hard meets The Towering Inferno with bits of Mission Impossible, Enter The Dragon, The Matrix, …….you get the picture. No acting, character development, or much of a back story required. Non stop action to cover the lack of a story. The CGI is good. Even Dwayne Johnson seems disinterested. Great if you are 13 years old, but I was bored after 20 minutes.

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