Film Reviews by CG

Welcome to CG's film reviews page. CG has written 6 reviews and rated 35 films.

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The Great Escaper

Sweet and uplifting

(Edit) 15/08/2024

Great performances and I feel good that I've seen Glenda Jackson's final film. All the main characters were outstanding. 

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Hacks: Series 2

Very good comedy

(Edit) 01/08/2024

This took a while to get going in Series 2 but the characters are great, very rounded human beings! I'd never heard of the two main actresses but both excellent and good foils for each other. 

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Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol.3

Awful and unremittingly grim

(Edit) 29/11/2023

No one wants to see a baby racoon tortured or sweet animals mutilated beyond recognition.  How can the director and writers lose their way to such a degree?  There isn't the fun, warmth or music or even good sets of GOTG 1.  I turned off half way through. 

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Matilda the Musical

Every Song the same

(Edit) 06/07/2023

Emma Thompson is great. That’s where the positive ends, oh actually I could add Stephen Graham to the positives. Other than that, every song sounds the same and the main actress’s voice really grates. There is no colour or gear changes in this dreadful adaptation of a fabulous book. 

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Slow and indulgent

(Edit) 29/06/2021

The direction of this was dull, dull, dull and it felt like a directorial vanity project. It went nowhere and it’s two hours of my life I’ll never get back. 

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The Battle of the Sexes

Battle of the Sexes the true story

(Edit) 27/03/2018

I expected the Steve Carroll Faction version, but this took me by surprise. It was very engaging and a fascination insight into a time that I hope has passed forever, or is beginning to do so.

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