Welcome to Dicci's film reviews page. Dicci has written 2 reviews and rated 60 films.
A well made film similar in style to Moon and Ex Machina. Although a sci-fi film, there is plenty here for those not normally a fan of the genre. Asks a couple of interesting philosophical questions, consent after death and treatment of AI, but doesn't really go into them. Would have been a 4 star film if I hadn't realised the plot twist after about a third of the film which ruined the suspense.
Given how bad recent DC tie-ins have been I was not expecting much but happy to say it was a genuinely good movie to watch. Yes it is the dirty dozen plot, the characters have been made more likeable than their backstories would suggest and there are no plot twists (or are obviously).
Get past the plot and the acting was good (especially Margo Robbie as Harley Quinn), the story progressed at a good pace while still giving time for characters to develop and it didn't just degenerate into effects. Didn't even mind that the end was clearly setting up for a sequel. Even my partner who doesn't like comic book movies really liked this.